Chapter 13

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No one's POV:

Goldie got to Freddy's room. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked a bit louder. The door opened slightly. Goldie walked and saw Freddy sitting at his desk, working on something. Goldie walked over and tapped Freddy on the shoulder. This startled Freddy, making him drop his pencil and bend down to get it. When he did that, Goldie got a good look at what he was doing. He was apparently drawing a picture of him and Bonnie having sex, weirdly. Freddy sat up. He looked over at Goldie, noticed his face, looked back at his picture, turned red, closed the book, then faced Goldie again. "So... that's what you do when you get embarrassed, aye?" Goldie asked. "Yeah... sorry you had to see that picture in particular." Freddy said. "It's okay. I've seen worse." Goldie said. "Also... sorry for just running off before, but that baby bro thing's really embarrassing." Freddy said. "It's okay. I know it is for you. I'm sorry that I did it again and in front of Fredbear and W.F., but you do remember that Fredbear's our adopted younger brother, right?" Goldie asked.

"Oh yeah... I forgot. But W.F.'s not family. He probably never realized that I'm your younger brother before you called me your baby brother." Freddy said. "I understand that. But... it's good that he knows that now, right?" Goldie asked. "I suppose... but it was kind better before, as he probably thought that I was older and not you." Freddy said. "Why do you think that?" Goldie asked. "Because that's what always happens when someone doesn't know that I'm your younger brother but they know that we're brothers. They think that I'm the older one and you're the younger one. I DO act like the older one most of the time, y'know. The only time I don't is when I'm scared or upset. Then YOU turn into the older one and I turn into the younger one. Other than that, it's the other way around." Freddy said. "Oh. Um... awkward. Anyway... do you want to come out and talk to the others? Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy must be worried about where you are. You ran off without telling them where you were going again, after all." Goldie said.

"You're right!" Freddy said, jumping off of the chair and dashing out the door and to where the others were. Little did he and Goldie know that the others were planning a surprise for Goldie. It was his birthday, after all. (Sorry about the randomness of this, but, yes. It's Golden's birthday. Just go with it.)

~When they got back to the stage where they thought the others were~

"Hey guys sorry to keep y- oh. They're not here." Freddy said as he walked into the room, seeing no one there. "Huh. Wonder where they are." Goldie said. "I'm going to go look for them." Freddy said. "You do that." Goldie said. Freddy then left to find their friends.

Freddy searched everywhere and couldn't find his friends, so he decided to go look outside. He went outside and saw his friends in the back of the pizzeria. They were talking to each other about a plan for a birthday. Freddy was confused for a moment. Then he realized that it was Goldie's birthday. He turned red realizing that he didn't get Goldie anything for his birthday because Freddy forgot it was Goldie's birthday. Bonnie looked over as he was thinking and saw Freddy. "Heya Fred. Come on over. We're planning Goldie's birthday surprise." Freddy walked over to his friends.

"So what... he's still in the pizzeria, y'know. We can't set anything up with him still in there." Red said. "Yeah, so how are we going to deal with that?" Edge asked. "No clue." Chica said. "Maybe we can get him to go to the Toys' pizzeria. That'll at least get him out of the pizzeria so that we get his party set up." Foxy said. "That's a great idea. I'll go ask him if he wants to go talk with Shadow and Shade." Fred said. "That would be great, Fred. Who are Shadow and Shade, though?" Bonnie asked. "Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie." Fred said, then left. "Okay... now we need someone to put up the decorations." Bonnie said. "The Frisks can do that. They know how to set up a party. They set up my birthday party, after all." Sans said. "I'll definitely do that." UT Frisk said. "I'll do it because it's for a friend." UF Frisk said. "Okay then!" Bonnie said. The Frisks then left to go set up the decorations. "Now we need someone to help Chica make the food." Bonnie said. "Black can do that. Along with Edge. They're really good at cooking." Red said. "Yeah, I'll help the chicken out." Edge said. "Yeah, I'll help as well." Black said.

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