What Was Happening with Goldie and Freddy

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No one's POV:

Goldie was trying to get Freddy to fuck him. Goldie was grinding on Freddy, trying to seduce him but Freddy was fighting against it even though his member wanted him to do something. Eventually, Freddy gave into the need to be in Goldie. He took off his clothes and threw them to a corner. Then he grabbed Goldie's clothes and did the same.

Goldie stared at Freddy, unsure of what to do because he was so surprised by what Freddy did. Freddy didn't hesitate. Freddy threw Goldie onto the floor with his ass facing Freddy. Freddy then shoved his length into Goldie. Goldie nearly screamed in pain and pleasure.

Freddy thrusted really fast in and out of Goldie. Goldie was a panting, moaning, sweating mess under Freddy. After 20 minutes of that, Goldie came with a loud moan onto the floor. Freddy came inside of Goldie at the same time. Goldie tried to get up, fell down, tried to get up again and succeeded the second time. Goldie got on his clothes and walked out of the room. Freddy did the same.

When they got to the others, they saw them wide-eyed and blushing like crazy. Goldie blushed dark red along with Freddy. They all stood there like that for a while; until Red came out of his room asking, "What the hell were those noises about?" Freddy went redder along with Goldie. Goldie and Freddy hadn't realized how loud they had been being when they were fucking. "Well? Anyone going to talk?" Red asked, impatiently waiting for his answer.

"U-um... the noises were me and Goldie having sex with each other..." Freddy said as red as a cherry. "Oh... um... awkward. I'm just... gonna go back to watching the movie I was watching with Sans..." Red said, turning around and going back to the room he came from.

"Welp... this is embarrassing..." Goldie said. "I know." Freddy said. "You guys are really loud while having sex." Bonnie said. "We know..." Goldie said. "Aye, ya do? Then why'd you do it with us here? To make us all feel awkward?" Foxy asked. "No!" Goldie half yelled, half said normally. "Then why?" Chica asked. "Because I needed to, okay?! I needed to have sex with someone and I definitely didn't want to do it with you three so I chose to do it with Freddy! Just be happy that I didn't have sex with any of you! I could've, but I didn't! It would've been more awkward if I had done that, right?!" Goldie said.

"Yeah, it would've been. Sorry for judging you, Goldie." Bonnie said. "Yeah." Chica said. "I'm not all that sorry; it was extremely weird what you did, lad." Foxy said. "Oh, quite being a jerk, Foxy. I'll fuck you if you continue with this attitude that you've started to get." Goldie said. Foxy turned dark red, but it was kind of hidden by his fur. "Y-you wouldn't dare." He said, then he cursed himself for stuttering.

"Yeah I would. Now quite the attitude." Goldie said. "Okay! Fine! Just don't fuck me!" Foxy said. "Good boy." Goldie said. Foxy blushed harder but kept his mouth shut in fear of Goldie getting upset and fucking him.

~A couple minutes later~

"I think it's about time w- oh, hi Sans. What did you come out here for?" Freddy said. "Hi you guys. I came out to grab a bottle of ketchup and mustard. The ketchup's for me. The mustard's for Red." Sans said. "Um... we don't have either of those. But if you would like a soda, there's some in the fridge if you're looking for something to drink. There's also some left over pizza in the fridge that you can have if you're looking for something to eat." Freddy said. "That's wonderful. Just wonderful. The only thing that Red will have right now is mustard and you don't have any. That's great. Now I'm going to have to go through another one of his tantrums. Great." Sans said.

"The hell...?" Freddy asked. "Yeah... if Red doesn't get what he wants, he throws a tantrum. It's a thing." Sans said, grabbing a soda. "I'm happy to take a soda instead of the ketchup, though." "Y'know what... I'll ask my brother if he- hi Toy Freddy. Do you happen to have any mustard with you?" Freddy said, noticing his brother walking into the room. "Yes, I do. Why?" Fred asked. "Because Red wants some." Freddy said. "Oh. Okay. Here you go." Fred said, handing Freddy the mustard.

Freddy then handed it over to Sans who took it and then took it to Red. "Okay. As I was saying... we should go to sleep now. It's getting late." Freddy said. "Okay." The others said. Then they all went to sleep.

Okay kittens! I'm ending the story here! Sorry if it's a little random. I made things up as I went for the most part. Anyway... hope you guys enjoyed the story! See you in the next story! Ciao!

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