Chapter 4

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No one's POV:

Red, Sans, Freddy, and Goldie all got back to the stage area and saw Fred, Bonnie, and Chica talking. Foxy wasn't there, but in his cove watching a movie. Black and the Frisks were just drawing at one of the tables (A/N: Black loves to draw in my AU, but doesn't do it much). Red, Sans, Freddy, and Goldie walked over to where Chica, Bonnie, and Fred were.

"Heya Freddy, Golden, Red, and Sans. How are you guys?" Fred asked. "I'm good." Freddy said. "I'm good as well." Sans said. "I'm a bit sad at the moment, but good other than that." Red said, sniffling a bit. "I'm good." Goldie said. "Why are you sad, Red? If you don't mind me asking." Fred asked, walking over to the skeleton. "Just... a thought I had about my brother, who's always abused me but I wish we could get along." Red said, tears forming in his eyes. "Awe, come here. I'll make you feel better." Fred said, holding out his arms to indicate that he was trying to give the skeleton a hug. Red slightly blushed at the gesture while turning his head so that Fred couldn't see him blushing. He walked over with his head turned and hugged the pudgy bear. 'Oh my god. His fur's really soft and more so than his brothers... I might fall sleep in his arms.' Red thought while hugging Fred. "I'm going to take this little guy to my place. We'll be back before midnight." Fred said. "Okay. See you guys later." Freddy said. After that, Fred left with Red and the others just chatted with each other for the rest of the day. Foxy just stayed in his cove watching his movie for the rest of three day.

~At Fred's Pizzeria~
After walking for 20 minutes, Fred and Red made it to Fred's home. Fred walked Red into the pizzeria. Red looked around, surprised by how different it looked compared to Freddy's pizzeria. "Make yourself at home. If you get hungry, there's some pizza and fries in the fridge. Also, my friends, the other Toys, might come around and talk to you. Just be yourself and be friendly and talk. They'll be nice if you do that." Fred said. "Okay." Red said and sat down at a party table in front of the stage. 'Looks like he'll be fine. Now... I need to find Puppet... where is he...? Oh yeah! That's where he is!' Fred thought and then walked away, leaving Red alone at the table.

Red's POV:
I watched as Fred walked away. Once he was gone, I took out my sketch book, a pencil, a pen, an eraser, and colored pencils and started to draw a picture of me and Sans fucking each other.

An hour later, I hear a male voice saying, "T.C.! Give me back my FUCKING bow tie!" Then, after a minute, I saw a plastic-looking chicken and bunny run into the room. I realized that those two must be two of the friends that Fred was talking about. I got up and walked over to them, grabbed the red bow out of the chicken's hand and handed it to the bunny. "Here you go. My name's Red. Who are you?" I said and asked. The bunny took the bow tie out of Red's hand and put it on. "Thank you for getting my bow tie back. Also, my name's Toy Bonnie, T.B. for short. And the chicken's name's Toy Chica, T.C. for short. It's nice to meet you, Red." T.B. said. "Yeah! It's really nice to see a new face!" T.C. said, jumping up and down. "Nice to meet you guys too." I said and walked back to the table and began drawing again. T.B. and T.C. walked over and sat down at the table and asked, "What are you working on?", making me jump a bit and quickly shut the book. "N-nothing! Why?!" I yelled accidentally. 'Shit! I yelled! Argh! I'm pissed at myself now! Fred's going to come running now!' I thought. "Um... are you listening?" T.B. asked. "What? Oh um... no, I wasn't. Did you say something?" I asked. "I was asking why you won't show or tell us what you were doing." T.B. said.  "Oh... um... ugh! I'll show you." I said, grumping. I opened my sketchbook and showed them the picture that I was drawing. "Awe. That's cute! Who are the skeletons in it?" T.C. asked. "M-me and S-Sans, m-my boyfriend." I said, blushing like crazy. "So you guys are that far into the relationship?" T.B. asked. "Y-yes..." I said. "Cute. Just like me and Fred." T.B. said. "Huh? He never said anything about having a lover..." I said. "Oh, yeah... he wouldn't have. He's shy about it. But... yeah, I'm his boyfriend." T.B. said.

A few minutes later, while we were just talking about random shit, there were footsteps running into the room. "Why did I hear Red yelling?! Is everything okay?!" Fred yelled, looking around, panicked. "Everything's fine, Fred." I said. "I just didn't want to show your boyfriend and friend this picture." I held up h the picture so that he could see. "Oh, okay... wait, what?! I don't have a boyfriend!" Fred said, his red cheeks glowing. "Yes you do, idiot. It's me. I told him about it. Chill. He has a boyfriend of his own. Sans." T.B. said. "Oh, phew." Fred said and sat down at the table.

He looked over at me. "Hey... are you okay Red?" Fred asked. "I-I'm fine... I just miss Sans. I want to be with him." I said. "I could call my brother and ask him to ask Sans to come over or we could go back there. Which would you prefer?" Fred asked. "I would prefer going back to Sans. There are other friends of mine there. I miss all of them." I said. "Okay, we'll head back then." Fred said. After that, we said goodbye to Fred's friends and walked back to the original's pizzeria.

~Time skip to when they got there and walked in~

"Yeah so I was like- oh, hi Red. Fred. How are you guys?" Goldie asked once he noticed we had walked in. "I'm fine, thanks big bro." Fred said. "I'm fine, but I'm going to go find Sans. I just want to be with him right now." I said and walked off to find him.

No one's POV:
Fred watched as Red walked away. "Sorry. He's just missing his lover." Fred said to Goldie. "It's fine." Goldie said. "Now... what was I saying...? Oh yeah! Yeah so I was like 'Fuck off Jane! I'm not going to your stupid baby shower after you were a bitch to me just yesterday. We're still friends, though." "The heck...?" Fred asked. "Sorry. Talking to Springy." Goldie said. "Hi Fred." Springy said, walking up next to Goldie. "Oh, hi Springy." Fred said. "Hi baby bro!" Freddy called out loudly, making everyone stare at him and Fred. Fred blushed bright red and screamed, "FREDDY! YOU IDIOT!" "Oops. Sorry bro." Freddy said, giggling. "Stop laughing! It's not funny! I've told you to stop! Now quit doing that! It's really embarrassing when you do that!" Fred said and slapped Freddy across the face. "Huh?!" Freddy grunted, holding the cheek that Fred slapped. "That'll teach you some manners." Fred said sternly. "Holy shit, Fred. I didn't think that you had the moxie to do that, especially to Freddy." Goldie said, covering his mouth with his hands.

Okay guys! That's it for now! See you guys in the next chapter! Bye!

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