The Incident Between Black and SF Paps

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SF Paps's POV:

I walked into the room that m'lord was in, as, when I got there, the door was slightly opened and opened completely when I pushed it gently. I closed the door behind me once I was in the room. I walked over to m'lord. "H-Hey m-m'l-lord. D-Do you n-need some h-h-help?" I asked, my voice shaking out of nervousness. "Y-Yes... please help me." M'lord said, with his face flushed. "O-okay... what do you need?" I asked. "I need you to go home and grab my teddy bear. That thing always helps calm me down." M'lord said. 'Fuck. I can't go into his room and that's where that is.' I thought. "Are you sure that's the only thing that could get you to calm down? Why don't I just talk to you? Wouldn't that help?" I asked. "I-I don't want to hear voices right now. I just want to snuggle up with something soft so that I could sleep for a bit to calm down." M'lord said. "Fine. I'll get it for you. Be back in a minute." I said then teleported home, grabbed his teddy bear, then teleported back to m'lord. "Here you go, m'lord. Have a nice nap." I said, then turned to go but turned back when I heard m'lord say, "D-Don't go... I need you to snuggle with me as well in order for me to fall asleep." M'lord said. I blushed hard and asked, "A-are you sure m-m'lord? I mean you DO know that the others could see me sleeping with you and think that we're... y'know..., right?" "I know. Just get into bed with me, dipshit." M'lord said. "Okay, okay, geez... no need to be cranky towards me." I said and walked over and climbed into bed with m'lord. 'He's too cute like this.' I thought, then I blushed at that thought. 'The heck...? Why am I blushing? Stop it! This is my brother! I can't like him in that way! That's sick!' I thought. I then closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep when the door opened. I glanced over and then blushed seeing Freddy and Fred standing there, staring at me and m'lord. "H-Hey you guys." I said with an awkward chuckle. "Hey... what's going on here...?" Freddy asked. I'm gonna answer when m'lord woke up and looked at Freddy and Fred and said, "We're trying to sleep here. Why don't you fuck off and go fill out the bills and sing some songs or something and stop bugging us." "Why together, though? Are you guys a thing or something?" Fred asked. I blushed even more and looked over at m'lord, whose face was red as a cherry. "N-no! The heck?! We're brothers! Why would we be together?!" M'lord half yelled, then he cursed under his breath about yelling that. "Okay then... no need to yell at us. We were just asking a question." Fred said. "We'll leave you guys be now." Freddy said and walked out of the room. Fred followed him.

"That was weird." I said. "I know. Why the hell would we be together? We're brothers. It's not like either of us like the other in that way. There's no way that we would ever get together." M'lord said. "A-actually... there's something that I need to tell you that's related to that..." I said blushing and looking at the ground. "What is it?" M'lord asked. "I-it's that I... I... I kind of like you in that way. I just realized it as we were getting ready to sleep and you fell asleep halfway." I said, blushing more than I was before. M'lord stared at me. I could feel my face getting hotter and redder by the second. I thought that it was going to melt off from all of the heat. M'lord finally spoke and said, "U-um... well... if you really feel that way... we could try being together. I mean... I've also thought about having a relationship with you." M'lord said, blushing and looking away from me. I blushed more. "S-so does this mean that we're a couple now?" I asked. "I-I guess so..." M'lord said. I jumped onto his lap and kissed him passionately and a bit roughly. He grunted a little when I landed on his lap and then moaned softly while I was kissing him. I blushed dark red and stopped kissing him when I heard his moan. He also turned red. "S-sorry Paps. That's just one of my things." M'lord said. "Also, since we're together now, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with calling me." I gasped hearing that from him. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Positive." M'lord said. "Thanks Black." I said. "You're welcome." Black said. 'Geez that felt weird... I'm going to have to get used to this.' I thought. "How about we go back to the others?" I asked. "Sure." Black said. Then we both left.

~When they got back to the others~

No one's POV:

"Um... the hell?" Black asked, looking around. Everyone except for Black and his brother were either drunk out of their minds or on the verge of being that way. "Hello there, Black and SF Paps! It's nice ta see ya guys again." Chica half slurred, half yelled in her drunken state. "Um... what's going on?" Black asked. "We're all drunk or almost drunk." Freddy said. "Obviously, but why?" Black asked. "Because we just had a party for a girl who was turning 18. Don't ask why. She brought whiskey. We all had a bunch of it. Foxy especially. He's kind of nuts right n- speak of the devil." Freddy said and then mumbled. "Heya Black, SF Paps. Would you guys like to try some of this whiskey?" Foxy asked. "Um... why not?" Black said. "Same here." SF Paps said. Foxy handed them each a bottle. "Knock yourselves out." Foxy said then left.

"I thought that you guys didn't drink." Freddy said. "We do. A lot, actually." Black said. "Why wouldn't we?" SF Paps asked. "I don't know. I just thought that that was the case." Freddy said. "Okay then..." Black said. He then gulped down the whiskey with one sip. SF Paps did the same thing. After about 20 minutes of drinking whiskey and just being completely out of wack, everyone was asleep on the floor except for the Swapfell brothers. "Let's go into a room for a bit~" SF Paps said to his brother, seductively. Black agreed and then they went into a room that Goldie usually only went in, as it was his room. Goldie, of course, wasn't there at the time, as he had fallen asleep on the floor like everyone else. The brothers closed the door behind them. SF Paps climbed onto the bed and told Black to come sit on his lap. Black obeyed and sat on SF Paps's lap. Paps then started to kiss Black roughly and passionately. After a minute, Paps put his tongue into Black's mouth and French kissed him while moving his hands down Black's body. Black quietly moaned into the kiss. Paps the stopped kissing Black and brought his head down to Black's neck. The he started kissing and biting Black's neck, trying to find his sweet spot. Black moaned a bit louder than the first time when Paps hit a certain spot on his neck. Paps kept kissing and biting that spot. Eventually, Paps stopped and took off Black's clothes so that he was left only in his boxers. Paps then took his clothes off so that he was also just in boxers. Paps then kissed and sucked on Black's ribs. Black covered his mouth with his hands to keep his moans quiet, as this action really set him off. Paps continued down Black's body to the waist band of his boxers. Paps then took Black's and his own boxers off, fleeting both of their boners. Paps then went down and licked the end of Black's dick. He then shoved it into his mouth and started to roughly suck on it. Black couldn't hold it in any more and he screamed out in pleasure, uncovering his mouth and sticking out his tongue. Eventually Black's dick started twitching, meaning that he was close to climax. He then came into Paps's mouth. Paps then flipped him over so that his ass hole was in front of him. He then lined his dick up with Black's hole. He then slipped his dick into Black and waited for him to adjust. Black soon nodded at Paps, telling him that he could continue. Paps then started to thrust into him slowly. Then he got rough with the thrusting. Black was a moaning, sweating, blushing mess underneath Paps. Soon Paps came close to his climax and his thrusts became sloppy. He then let out a loud moan as he released into Black. They then both fell asleep together, Black snuggled up against Paps.

That's all for this chapter! Very sexual at the end, huh? Hope you enjoyed that! Anyway, have a great night/day/evening! Ciao!

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