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i'd give you my sunshine, give you my best
but the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me



I knew something was wrong when I didn't see Jack Thompson at the airport. I called Howard immediately to have him send for me.

Worryingly, Mr. Jarvis had a grave expression as he drove up to the hospital, not the SSR.

Daniel and Peggy were out front, seemingly waiting for me.

"Daniel, Jack didn't show up to the airport," I reported anxiously as I stepped out of the car.

He didn't look surprised by my statement. He just looked sad and tired.

"Thompson was... shot in his hotel room and he's in critical condition, Charlotte."

Instantly, I felt sick to my stomach. This just couldn't be happening.

I couldn't lose someone else.

Peggy embraced me in a long hug. I followed her and Daniel inside. I tried keep myself from walking too quickly, so that Daniel wouldn't fall behind.

We finally arrived at his room, but we couldn't go inside. Howard was waiting, and he instantly sprung up when he saw me.

"Come here, honey," he said softly as he pulled me in for a hug.

He kept whispering that everything would be okay, while I sobbed into his shoulder.

Everyone remained quiet as we sat still in the waiting area. The nurses and doctors wouldn't let us in his room yet because we weren't family.

Howard offered to bribe them, but I declined.

The worst case scenario kept on circulating through my mind. The longer we had to wait, the worse it got.

Finally, a nurse approached us. I stood up, terrified of what she might say.

"Mr. Thompson is in stable condition," she explained, causing everyone to sigh in relief. "He's asleep, but you may go see him now. Only one or two people at a time."

I looked around and everyone nodded for me to go. I quietly stepped forward and walked into his room.

I slowly approached his peacefully sleeping self. For once, he looked so delicate. The Jack I knew normally was strong and confident, not lying injured in a hospital bed.

I took a chair over to his left side and sat down. I grabbed his non-injured hand and started to sob.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

I sat there for a while, just crying quietly at his side.

Eventually, I felt him squeeze my hand.


"Oh my — are you okay? Should I get the nurse?" I asked frantically as I moved to stand up.

He gripped my hand tighter and pulled me back toward him.

"I just want you to stay with me."


We sat in an awkward silence for what felt like forever before I said something again.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"To be honest, I feel like shit," he chuckled, but grabbed his abdomen in pain as soon as he did so.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I think a kiss would make it better," he smirked playfully.

"Smooth, Jack," I laughed in surprise, but didn't oblige in kissing him.

After another few beats of silence, I spoke again in a more serious tone.

"I'm really sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You're not the one who shot me," he said in exasperation.

"I just... I never told you how I feel. You could've died and I wouldn't have told you how I felt!"

"How do you feel?" He asked curiously. He moved the hand holding mine onto his stomach and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I'm just going to be fully honest, okay? I don't trust you —"


"Would you let me finish, Jack? I don't trust you fully, yet. But I believe you — that you trust me and want to earn my trust back. And I want to trust you. I-I miss you."

It was so difficult to admit this, but after all we've been through, it had to be said.

"I love you, Charlotte. You don't have to say it back, but I want you to know that I love you so much. I'm sorry I've been such a jerk lately."

"I love you, too. I can't tell you how happy I am that you're okay, Jack. I thought..." I began, tearing up now.

He dropped my hand and brought his up to my cheek. I closed my eyes at his touch, so unbelievably grateful that he survived.

My eyes fluttered open again. I looked into his eyes and leaned forward, planting a kiss onto his soft lips and intertwining our fingers again.

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