miss americana & the heartbreak prince.

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and i don't want you to (go)
i don't really wanna (fight)
'cause nobody's gonna (win)



Without knocking, I opened the door to Jack's office and stomped in.

"Come on in, Rogers!"

"Did you know?" I grabbed the knot if his tie and pulled him forward.

He looked me in the eyes, confused but otherwise unphased.

He placed his hand on mine and pulled it off his tie. He kept his hand on mine with a stupid smirk on his face, so I twisted his hand beside him.

"Your friend Vernon just took all of the evidence from the SSR. Did you know about this?"

"N—no!" He winced.

"I told you that what we are dealing with is bigger than any of this," I spat, dropping his hand.

"I understand, but I still have business to take care of," he groaned.

"You won't have any business to take care of if Isodyne isn't stopped! Can you think about anyone but yourself for once?!"

"I told you I didn't know!" He yelled, standing up and walking toward me.

"Am I supposed to believe that you're completely in the dark? This isn't the time to be secretive. And as Chief of the SSR you can't go around giving shit to the FBI," I furrowed my eyebrows and stared him down.

"And what do you know about being Chief?"

"What happened to 'We'll figure this out, Charlotte'?" I asked in a mocking low voice, ignoring his question.

"I understand the gravity of this situation, but I can't just ignore my responsibilities. Trying to stick it to the man will make matters worse."

I kept my stare for a few more seconds before I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Jack, I need to go back home!"

"What do you mean? New York is your home —"

"Los Angeles is my home now," I said quietly.

"I thought you wanted to get a house in Brooklyn! Why would you give up your dream for some action in California?"

"It's not just about work. There's nothing for me here anymore! Howard, Peggy, Daniel, Jarvis — my family — they are in LA and I need to be with my family. Dreams can change."

Tears were welling up in my eyes, and he just looked like a lost puppy, confused and scared.

"Since when do you even care about my dreams, Jack?" I asked with exasperation.

His eyes were distant before he blinked and completely changed his demeanour.

"I don't. You can go back, but not just yet. I need to get Peggy's vacation days worked out."

I sighed with relief.

"I could hug you, but I won't because I still dislike you very much."

I anxiously rested my head in my hands at the news.

Daniel had called my desk to tell me what happened to Peggy. I cringed at hearing the fact she'd been impaled, the thought too unbearable.

agent rogers returns • j.thompsonWhere stories live. Discover now