it's nice to have a friend.

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call my bluff, call you "babe"
have my back, yeah, everyday



"Chief has a special kind of worry about her," Rose spoke quietly to Jarvis as the three of us stood facing Daniel's tantrum.

I nodded slightly in agreement.

He stormed out and ordered people to take action. He only invited Jarvis with him, but as he walked by me, Daniel ordered me to join, too.

"Are you serious?"

"You're part super-soldier, Rogers."

I nodded again, a bit in disbelief, but I hurriedly followed him and Mr. Jarvis.

When we arrived to the scene at Isodyne Energies, there were paramedics shattered around.

"Don't bother, there's no way anybody survived that," an officer said to us, causing my heart to stop beating for a moment.

"No..." I rasped.

Daniel was visibly distraught, but his demeanour changed as he hobbled forward.

Peggy was okay.

At least, physically.

Jarvis and I overheard her start to brief Daniel on what happened, but she had tears forming in her eyes.

I felt my heart sink again when she told him Wilkes didn't make it.

After Daniel told her she needed to go home to rest, Peg walked up to us.

"Mr. Jarvis, can I trouble you for a ride home?" She asked shakily.

"Of course."

The following day, Peggy and Daniel went out to Wilkes's house to do some investigating.

I met Peg and Jarvis on Stark's movie set, and I knew they arrived when Howard yelled at them for being in the shot.

The three of us showed him the clip of zero matter. Peggy informed Howard that she refused to let Isodyne tarnish his reputation by framing him as a communist.

"Wilkes was a member of the Arena club?" He questioned, holding the pin up in the sun.

"Is that what that pin is from?" Peggy asked with increased attention.

"Yeah! And I'm amazed they allowed him to be a member. They keep their ranks male and pale."

When Peggy mentioned that Dottie tried to steal the same pin in New York, Howard asked, "Who's Dottie Underwood?"

"Dear god!" I exclaimed.

"She kidnapped you... at gunpoint, not long ago... you were wearing your brown mohair jacket.."

At the last point, Howard snapped his fingers. "The Russian knockout with the killer backhand!"

Following Howard's epiphany, Jarvis took Peg and I back to the SSR to meet with Daniel.

The papers released the false information about Wilkes, so Daniel was clutching the paper angrily as we walked to his office.

I followed aimlessly behind Daniel, not expecting him to stop so abruptly.

"What the hell?" I muttered after crashing into him.

"Well..." I heard an all to familiar voice say. "Look who finally decided to show up for work!"

agent rogers returns • j.thompsonWhere stories live. Discover now