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i'm fine with my spite
and my tears, and my beers and my candles



"He's going to propose!"

"What? He never told me that!" I huffed.

Peggy was trying to find a dress to meet Jason in tonight while I leaned against the wall behind her trying to help.

"The box fell out of his coat when he set it aside. He was going to cancel his dinner with Violet to accompany me tonight. He was going to cancel his proposal dinner!"

"And you're upset by that?"

"Yes — well, not how you're insinuating."

"I never thought you actually had feelings for him, Peg."

"I—I don't."

"Okay, you're lying! You're giving me 50 tells saying so."

"It's just something about seeing him with Violet, I don't know. But I'll get over it. I meant it when I said I was happy for him."

I didn't push the matter further since Ana approached us.

While watching Ana and Peggy go back and forth about Jason Wilkes, I realised that Peggy might just have a crush on him. Ana was very talented at finding the truth of any situation.

Mr. Jarvis showed Peggy to Howard's leisure car. She was going to love what Howard had in there.

Once Peggy left, I decided to dial Howard's number. I hoped he wasn't with a woman. I really needed a friend.

"Howard Stark, may I help you?"

"Howard, it's Charlotte. Are you free tonight?"

"For you? Always."

"Don't make me change my mind," I huffed.

"Alright, alright. I'll see you at the pier."

I placed the phone down and found Jarvis and Ana.

"I'm going out to meet Howard," I informed the two.

"Would you like me to drive you, Miss Charlotte?"

"No thank you, Mr. Jarvis. It's not a long walk," I smiled.

It was still light enough in the evening for me to feel comfortable in walking alone, so I headed off in the beautiful Los Angeles breeze toward the private pier Howard and I met at every so often.

The billionaire stood cooly in his sunglasses waiting for me on the quiet pier.

"You look lovely, Charlotte!" He called with his signature smile.

"I always do, Howard," I called back. He fell into step beside me once I approached and we slowly walked down the pier.

"Why'd you call? Everything alright?"

"I think so. Different, but alright. Peggy's here, you know."

"Peg? And no one thought to tell me?" He put his hand over his chest in mock offence.

I rolled my eyes, but a small smile crept onto my face.

"You've been on your movie sets, big-shot."

He didn't say anything after that until we reached the end of the pier. We placed our arms on the guard rail and looked out at the ocean. The sound of the waves was calming.

"I feel like something's bugging you," he said quietly.

I sighed, but I knew I'd have to talk to someone eventually.

"I've missed Peggy so much, and I'm glad she's back, but it feels like everything's been thrown off balance. Daniel is proposing to his girlfriend tonight, but he's clearly not over Peggy. And Peg has been acting weird about him, but I think she likes this scientist we met on a case," I rambled. "I was stuck in the office today, but I was almost stuck at home, all because I was shot in the side, even though nothing vital was hit and —"

"It's likely already healed because of the serum," he finished.

"Exactly!! You know, you're the only normal thing in my life right now."

For a while, we sat in silence again. He was the one to break it again.

"When are we going to start calling these little meetings what they truly are?"

"This is not a date, Howard," I laughed.

"It could be," he looked at me, but the smile on his face always confirmed he was joking.

"My brother would strangle you from the heavens— him and Bucky at the same time."

"You're not wrong," he laughed.

But his laughter died off too quickly.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He looked away again. I kept my gaze on his profile.

"I'm sorry I stopped looking." His voice came out barely above a whisper.

"Looking? For... for Steve, you mean?"

He nodded once in confirmation. "There are still teams looking, but I'm not there and I should be."

"He wouldn't want you to waste the rest of your life searching for him."

"I just feel like I'm letting you down, Charlotte. I want you to have closure."

I placed my hand on top of his to comfort him. "I thought, after I already lost Bucky, that losing Steve meant I was alone. I'd lost literally everyone in my family, and there was nothing I could do. But you and Peggy proved to me I still had family. You and Peg, even Edwin and Ana," I chuckled a bit, "you guys are all I need right now."

Howard engulfed me in a hug once I finished speaking. Aside from his jesting about the prospect of dating me, he was very comforting company. He has been my rock ever since I moved to Los Angeles.

I knew he respected me too much to try to pursue me, and over time we've developed a strong bond. Flirting was just a condition with Howard Stark, but I appreciated him dearly.

"Miss Charlotte!" Jarvis yelled frantically, breaking up the peaceful moment.

Howard and I ran forward to him on the pier.

"I've received an SOS signal from Miss Carter and I thought it'd be wrong for me not to inform you right away."

"Thank you, Mr. Jarvis."

I turned to Howard to give him a brief hug.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked.

"No, it's okay."

"Alright, but give me a ring later so I know she's alright."

I nodded and followed Jarvis to the car.

"Where was the distress signal from?" I asked Jarvis anxiously from the passenger seat.

"Just outside the Dunbar hotel. We are going to meet Chief Sousa there now."

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