gold rush.

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hey there guys. first of all, i'm so sorry that i've taken so long to update and that this isn't a proper update. i need to watch more of the end of the show because i honestly forgot sections of what happens to fill in some parts of this book, but since i feel so bad for not updating, i wrote some little moments below for you guys to enjoy until i finish the rest of the book (which will hopefully be soon). things have gotten very crazy with college and trying to adjust to our lives in the pandemic. after i finish my math final, i am officially done with freshman year of college !! which means that i'll have a lot more time to finish this book.. anyway, i hope all is well. please stay home if you can and stay safe !!!
much love,

i don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
i don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush




"Jack, have you ever... " I wasn't sure if it was a weird thing to ask, so I just let my inquiry trail.

Of course, now that I'd started, he'd press me to finish the question.

He didn't even have to say anything at this point, he just looked across the picnic blanket and right into my eyes. My weakness.

I sighed, looking up at the passers by at Washington Square Park. Some of them sickeningly adorable couples, others businessmen in their dark suits rushing around.

"Have you ever told someone that you... you know?"

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I'm not sure I do know, maybe you could elaborate?"

I rolled my eyes and blushed as I failed to hide my smile. "You know, the L word. L-love."

He burst out laughing at this, making me frown and blush even more.

"You know what, forget I even said anything —"

"Wait, Char!" He grabbed my hand with one of his and my cheek with the other. "I haven't, not yet."


"Don't sound so surprised," he chuckled. "I haven't been with anyone long enough for me to say it with meaning. This might be my longest relationship so far."

"We've only been together for 3 months!"

"Then I think it could be long enough..."

"For what?" I asked nervously.

"To say the L word." I expected a laugh, but his face remained serious. "I-I love you, Charlotte."

It felt like my spirit had just been punched out of my body, and it must've shown.

"Is that okay?" He asked quietly, suddenly seeming shy and anxious.

I snapped out of my shock and grabbed his hand that fell from my cheek. I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him.

As I pulled away, I looked into his eyes once again. "I... I love you, too. I love you, Jack."

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