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can i go where you go?
can we always be this close forever and ever?



"Mamma, Mamma, I drawed you pictures! Look, that's Auntie Peggy punching a bad guy. And this one is of you and Daddy holding me and James!"

I chuckled at Ellie's stick-drawing rendition of us and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Those are very good, sweetie! Let's go show your father!"

I followed the energetic toddler through the house until we came across Jack asleep with baby James in his arms.

It has been 5 years since Jack was shot, and 3 years since we got married. Now that we have started a family of our own, with little Eleanor Margaret Thompson and James Steven Thompson, we have joined Peggy and Howard at their newest development, SHIELD.

"Daddy, wake up! Wake up!" Ellie tumbled up to him.

I reached over and grabbed my baby James from Jack's arms. I gave both of my boys a kiss on the cheek as Ellie crawled onto the couch to show Jack her picture.

"Sweetheart, these are great! We'll put it on the fridge next to your drawing of Uncle Danny."

My heart swelled at the sight of my family. My family.

Having a family and feeling safe with them, knowing that I could protect them but feeling like I didn't have to, it was all very foreign to me.

I felt so grateful to have so many people in my life. I only wish Steve and Bucky could be here, with families of their own. I swear, it would be the perfect life.

But I tried not to dwell on their absence, as it did me no use. Instead, I looked at my husband and my two kids.

I laid my hands on my slightly protruding stomach, not yet feeling any movement from our third child.

"Momma, did you eat a baby?" Little Ellie asked randomly, noticing the placement of my hands on my stomach.

The question was not too dissimilar to the ones she asked when I was pregnant with James.

"No, sweetie. The baby is growing in me! It'll be your little brother or sister!"

"I hope it's a sister. I don't wike James."

"Ellie," Jack said in a warning tone, though he had a smile on his face. Baby James didn't seem to have a clue of anything going on.

"Ellie, what should mommy and daddy name the baby?"

"Cookie!!" She excitedly exclaimed, causing Jack and I to laugh out loud.

"That sure is a good option," I smiled sweetly at her.

A few names, which I hope were better than 'Cookie,' ran through my head, though nothing stood out.

I looked over to Jack again, who had a very amused look on his face.

I supposed Cookie was a good enough name, for now.



While Peggy had sadly lost her husband and had gotten ill, Charlotte was fortunate enough to still have Jack at her old age.

Thankfully, the serum had actually kept her quite mobile. She was able to take care of Jack in their home still, with their children and grandchildren helping out often.

They were a close family, and she couldn't have been happier.

Until one day, the impossible happened.

A knock echoed through the house as she and Jack sat watching the television. Although she wasn't expecting anyone, Charlotte got up to go answer the door.

She gasped once the door flew open and tears immediately pooled in her eyes.

"St-Steve? But how —?"

"It's me, Charlotte."

She fell forward and hugged her brother, who didn't look a day older than she'd last seen him.

"Oh, Steve. What happened? Come on in."

Steve followed her into the house, looking around at the simple yet homey interior.

"This is my husband of 73 years, Jack Thompson. Jack, this is... my brother, Steve Rogers."

"Captain America?" He said in utter shock. "How —?"

"It's a long story..." Steve began. The three of them sat down as Steve explained the whole story.

Charlotte just wept. She couldn't believe he had lost out on his life with Peggy, Bucky, and her.

"There is one more thing, Charlotte. Bucky... he's alive. Like me, actually. But HYDRA..."

Her heart broke even more at hearing of Bucky's fate.

She leaned into Jack's side and cried into his shoulder. He gently rubbed her back and kissed her forehead when she pulled her face back a bit.

She turned to look at her brother again.

"I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed you, Steve."

"I've missed you, too, Charlotte."

After a long, but comfortable pause, she spoke again.

"Since you're an Avenger now, I assume you know my God Son, Anthony?"

"Tony Stark is your God Son?" He asked in a low voice, not exactly happy to hear the name.

"Dear, Howard was one of our closest friends! He always took care of me."

Steve smiled softly at this, happy to hear of his old friend.

Charlotte continued to tell Steve all about her life with Jack, Peggy, Daniel, and Howard.

Steve was the missing piece in her life this whole time, and she finally had him back.

Finally, with her husband and her brother at her side, she felt at complete peace.

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