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quick note — i hope everyone is safe and healthy ! i'm finally done with my summer courses and in the mindset to continue work on this book :) i can't promise that it will be completed before i start classes again in september, that's the goal ! a lot of chapters are already written, so hopefully it won't take me too long. anyway, thank you for all of your kind and funny comments. i really enjoy reading what y'all say. i sincerely hope you are all doing well !! if you are reading this and would like to, comment what hobby you have picked up, new or continued, during the pandemic — mine is sewing :)
much love xx

never be so kind, you forget to be clever
never be so clever, you forget to be kind



"When we waltz into this trap," Jarvis told Peggy and I outside on the lawn. "I believe we may be outnumbered."

"I believe we can count on it," Peggy smirked.

"If, or when, that happens, you will want to stand behind me like so," he pulled the two of us behind him. "Then I will simply enter the sequence..."

Jarvis pressed a few buttons and stood up while the machine started humming.


A huge blast knocked the objects in front of us out.

"We watch our assailants cut a rug, as it were!"

When Ana came outside to her husband, Peggy and I exchanged a look and headed inside.

"So, what was that between you and Daniel?" I asked Peggy with excitement.

"He... well.. Violet broke off their engagement because she believes him to be in love with me," she muttered.

"You're kidding?! Do you — ?"

"I don't know — I mean of course I care about Daniel, but I really like Jason, too!"

"Yeah, your smooch sort of proved that," I chuckled.

"Well, what about you and Thompson?" She shot back, sounding slightly flustered and desperate to redirect the conversation.

"What about us?"

"Oh come on! You went to that event with him, and I know you went to his hotel room the next night —"

"Hey! You know if something happened I would've told you! That 'event' was just business."

"Ah, not the hotel visit, though?"

She looked at me expectantly as she zipped up our duffle-bag and slung it over her shoulder.

I shot her a dismissive smile, but I didn't answer and instead walked out to Jarvis.

The three of us left, with Peggy in the passenger seat and me in the back.

Jarvis was acting strange and making weird small talk. Peggy clearly noticed this behaviour, as she slammed on the breaks.

"Unsafe!" Jarvis scolded.

She whipped off her sunglasses and turned to him.

"Do you have something to say, Mr. Jarvis, instead of pecking around like an old mother hen?"

"No... I was simply trying to fill the silence.."

"Well, don't feel the need. I like the silence. Keeps me focused on the task at hand."

agent rogers returns • j.thompsonWhere stories live. Discover now