end game.

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So... you've finished the second and final book in the Agent Rogers series

 you've finished the second and final book in the Agent Rogers series

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(curse the overlords for not giving us a season 3!)

First of all, sorry for using this meme for the 3rd time lol. I just can't not!

Second, OMG! Thank you all so so so much for reading my two books in this series!! All of your kind and hilarious comments have meant the world to me. It has been a whirlwind writing these books, as I've dealt with a lot in life outside of writing them.

Third, please feel free to recommend some one shots for this book series (1 or 2!) and I will try to write them for y'all! Also, what should the name of their 3rd child be??

Fourth, I am NOT going to write an endgame one shot where Steve goes back in time because I hate that they did that to him!! It completely ruined his arc. Don't even get me started, I swear.

And finally, I have a small announcement!

I am going to be writing a Peter Parker (Tom Holland's version) fan fiction! I am not sure on the title yet, but I've already started planning and writing, so hopefully I'll start publishing it soon!!

Once again, thank you all so much!! I love you all!

much love,

agent rogers returns • j.thompsonWhere stories live. Discover now