Chapter 9:The Eyeball

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Klaus POV :

I wake up in the morning and I look at my surroundings in confusion .

I was at the living room of the house , laying naked on the couch, well not naked naked at least I had an under wear on .

I look around to see if anyone was here and I see that indeed someone was there .

It was Ben and he was looking at me .

I look back at him and say : "What happened last night ?"

Ben replies : "I don't know and I was hoping you would tell me , you told me to wait in the room while you go get bandages from dads office . You left and I waited for 2 literal hours and I got worried so I started searching for you . I found dad's alcohol cabinet opened and 3 whole bottles of beer empty , what's more I found you drunk passed out on the couch wearing only an underwear and at least you took the bandages".

Realization dawns on me as I remember what happened .

I say sheepishly: "Yeah I may or may not have found dad's secret stash of alcohol and decided to taste three bottles till they were empty . God ! I still feel drunk".

Just as about when Ben was about to reply Pogo came towards me and said : "Master Klaus , some of your fathers items have gone missing from his office , and since no one other than you went to his office and also drank his alcohol I was hoping you could tell me if you know anything about the missing items".

Ben looks at me and says : "Oh really ."

I suddenly have a flash back and I remember getting drunk , going out of the house , emptying dad's items from a box and throwing them in the garbage and selling the box in exchange of money then returning home and taking off my cloths and going to sleep .

I lie my way out saying : "What ? I have no idea what your talking about?"

Ben and pogo look at me and it was obvious I was lying .

Pogo then says : "well if you find the box and its items return it to me it contains priceless items and whoever has it will not be accused of anything or no charge".

I say : " well lucky bastard"

And he says : "Lucky bastard indeed".

After pogo leaves I tell Ben the truth and he looks amused but says : "You shouldn't drink that much" and I say " "yeah yeah I won't".

All of a sudden five out of no where spatial jumps in-front of me and says : "No time to explain , get ready and wear your best outfit and meet me in my room" and he spatial jumps out of here .

I say to one in particular : "well hello to you to" and Ben just laughs.

I go to my room take out my best outfit which according to me is great . Tight pants with a pink clown like dress shirt .

Ben looks at me amused again and says : " Klaus if I were you I would change".

I shrug and say : "Why don't you read a book a book or something ?"

Ben looks at me questionably and I ask him to remember his favorite book and he does as told and a book appears on his hands and he looks at me in shock .

I say : "That will keep you busy till I am back, bye Benny"

He says bye in response with a thanks .

It's something that all ghost can do but don't have enough energy to do so .
But Ben was a different case considering his and my powers .

I go to fives room and he looks at my outfit and was about to say something until we heard Vanya calling out five .

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