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Narrators POV :

Alexa's life has been normal as long as she can remember .

She was a nurse at a hospital and she was married to a caring husband and they both lived in a one story simple house in Germany .

They both were extremely religious .

Alexa never expected anything abnormal to happen to her and she expected nothing more out of her ordinary life and she knew for certain that nothing out of the ordinary will ever happen to her ... or so she thought .

Because on the 12th Hour of October 1st, 1989 when she was enjoying her weekend at home , she had unexpectedly gave birth .

She thanked god that she was a nurse and she had used her nursing skills to have a proper and safe birth at her own house .

After she gave birth . She had looked at the baby for hours and had only one question "when and how did she become pregnant?"

After her husband Mike returned he too was in for a big surprise.

The two thought that the baby was a gift from god and they happily accepted the baby and named the baby "Klaus".

Alexa and Mike had an unexpected visitor after a week Klaus was born .

It was a man named Sir Reginald Hargreeves, he was here to buy Klaus .

But Alexa and Mike were unwilling to sell Klaus to a stranger .

They declined the man's huge amount of money and kept Klaus .

A few years went by and when Klaus was 4 years old he started complaining about strange things like "The man is scary , the boy is crying , the people are soo loud , the women is missing an arm , etc" , things that weren't there according to the married couple .

Alexa and Mike thought it was just his imagination but things took a huge turn when Klaus was 5 years old .

Klaus started to describe Alexa's deceased Mother and Father . He said that they both were inside his room .

Alexa and Mike thought that maybe god had blessed Klaus but when the way Klaus described Alexa's parents , Alexa and Mike had second thoughts .

Klaus now always described scary people with missing body parts , and there was once when Klaus was found in the kitchen with a knife and he said that the man told him to get the knife and as if things weren't bad enough Klaus started to describe brutal ways to murder people and Klaus was just a 5 year old !

Alexa and Mike took Klaus to the church and had him blessed a lot of times but it never ended .

So Alexa and Mike were now certain that Klaus wasn't a gift from god but a curse from The devil himself .

And Mike and Alexa weren't going to keep the devil's gift any longer . Alexa thought that she should have given Klaus to that man that came to buy Klaus or at least given Klaus to someone else .

They thought it was obvious that Klaus was evil considering the way he was born .

The married couple decided to get rid of Klaus .

A month before Klaus's sixth birthday Alexa and Mike in the middle of night took Klaus to a street .

They made sure that no one was looking , and when they were sure that everyone was asleep , they took out a blessed knife and stabbed Klaus in his chest .

Klaus could do nothing but cry as his own own parents stabbed him and left him to die .
And Klaus did die .

But what Klaus and his parents didn't know was that God Aka the girl on the bike , thought that it was too soon for Klaus to die so she made an exception that did what she hadn't done for any living thing before , she revived Klaus and healed his wounds .

But what even she didn't realize was that immortality was Klaus's power that he had not awakened yet but now that the girl on the bike revived him , his immortality was also activated but muck too soon.

Klaus has woken up next day and found the knife next to him but his wounds were healed .

As a 5 year old he thought nothing of it .

All he knew was that his mom and dad hated him and Klaus didn't want to see them ever again not after what they did to him.

And years went by and Klaus thought that his parents probably missed the knife and his wounds were there but he didn't realize it .

He thought that he had barely managed to escape death but what he didn't know was that he had died and came back to life .

By the time Klaus was 15 years old he had discovered he could levitate and he could move things with his mind .

But his fear of ghost didn't completely go away .

Klaus has started drugs when he was 12 because he was too scared of the ghosts . Not to mention that his new adopted parents used to lock him up in the graveyard just to prove that what Klaus saw was only in his head .

But Klaus knew better so he escaped that place and went to a separate part of Germany .

By the time he was 18 years old he was officially free of adoption , and but he was still a addict but not too much .

He had discovered that drugs drown his powers but a motivating speech from a dead elderly women was enough to encourage Klaus to not become a extreme addict.

So Klaus practiced his powers and he somewhat mastered his telekinesis , he overcame his fear of ghosts and he discovered that he could banish the ghosts as well if they were too scary which for Klaus was a game changer .

He discovered that he could astral project his body but Klaus swore to never use that again because he was extremely drained and he was sick for a literal month .

He only focused on his 4 abilities . Seeing ghosts , Giving them physical blue forms , Telekinesis with levitation and sending or helping te souls of the dead move on .

By the time Klaus was 23 he had made a name for himself and he was known as The Seance.

Klaus discovered that his limit of telekinesis was lifting a car or at least that's what he could do before passing out .

Although his telekinesis wasn't the best but his ghost set of abilities weee perfected by a 100%.

He could give up to 8 ghost  blue physical forms at the same time without passing out .

Although there seemed to be no restriction or limit in seeing the ghosts and as for helping them move on , it was just as easy as seeing the ghosts minus the fact that he had to do everything the ghosts said so they could move on .

That mostly included seeing a family member , or emotional stuff like that .

Klaus was perfectly fine as long as it wasn't anything bad.

And by the time he was 29 Klaus was a private Seance for hire . But only in the part of Germany he lived in.

To top it off he had his own official rented apartment and his own office .

Living people also came to Klaus to see there deceased loved ones and Klaus conjured them up for them .

That's how Klaus made a living .

Everything was as normal as it could be at least for Klaus that is . Because Klaus was pretty sure that some one else in his place would have lost his or her mind within a day .


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