And Dont Flirt With Him

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*^Not my art work*

AnnaLeigh Moore

I sat in between Scorpius and Kehlani at the dinner table. Tiffany was on the other side of Kehlani and Bonnie was on the other side of Scorpius.

Light chatter filled the room as we awaited the meal from the house elf's.

"Does Scorpius not realise your sitting right next to him?" Tiffany Scoffs as she looks last me.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I look over at him.

"Well he's clearly flirting with little miss ginger barbie and not giving a shit" she rolls her eyes as I really take in how he actually is flirting.

"You need to make him jealous some how" Kehlani smirks as she looks around the table then she stops and her smirk grows wider "Bingo"

"What?" I followed her gaze as my eyes landed on Wade Nott who was innocently sitting, embraced in a conversation with Zent. Tiffany followed her gaze as well and almost gagged.

"My step brother!?" She whispered shouted as Kehlani nodded.

"He's perfect" Kehlani smiled as I looked back between her and Wade.

I have never really spoken to Wade. There was a couple of times where we have passed paths and said hello. He was nothing like his father, he was a nice Ravenclaw.

"I- I don't know, Lani" I said, very uneasy about this idea.

"It's so simple. See the empty seat next to him- just go sit over there and start harmlessly flirting with him" I once again looked between her and Wade. I felt guilty using Wade. He had been nothing but nice to me.

But as I look over at Scorpius my blood boils as I see Bonnies hand sitting on his thigh as she laughed.

"Ok- I'll do it" I nodded, a rush of confidence filling my veins as I stood from the table. No one really noticed as everyone was in their own conversations.

"Yes go girl" Kehlani giggled as I walked around the table.

I took the empty seat next to Wade as he stopped his convo with Zent and looked at me with innocence.

"Oh- Hey AnnaLeigh" he smiled sweetly as Zent popped his head from beside Wade.

"Anna- I was wondering when I was gonna be seeing your annoying ass" Zent joked as I glared at him.

"Shut up or I'll tell your dear old father about Lily" I snapped as he shut his mouth immediately and cowered back into his seat. I smirked as I redirected my gaze back to Wade.

"Sorry, Wade. How are you?" I asked as I looked at him through my lashes. I sucked at flirting so I just really hoped this worked.

"I'm doing really good, Anna- thanks" he smiled. His innocence and kindness made me feel so guilty how I was using him to get to Scorpius. Sometimes it was a wonder how he wasn't a Hufflepuff.

"That's good" I smiled as I moved my hand to his bicep "I saw Zent annoying you and thought I would come save you" I lightly squeezed as a flirtatious smile played my lips.

He noticed my hand and gulped "Zent? N- No he's fine"

"So how's school? I know you still have one more year to go" I moved my hand from his arm to his thigh right where Bonnie had hers. I looked around to the pair and noticed Scorpius glancing at us with an annoyed look as Bonnie spoke.

I smirked and continued, this was actually working.

Wade placed his hand on mine with a small smirk on his face "It's going good. I was stressing about my NEWTs but realised there was a reason I was put into Ravenclaw..."

I was vaguely listening as I stole glances of Scorpius. I could see his face turning visibly red as Wade spoke to me. I took in the joke he said as a small, quite but loud enough for Scorpius to hear, flirtatious laugh left my lips.

"Any way how are you?" I snapped my eyes back up to Wade as he sweetly smiled.

"Oh, I'm fine" I smiled sweetly, there wasn't anything really interesting going on with me at the moment.

"That's good" he smiled as he suddenly leant in and pressed his lips close to my ear "If you wanna make Scorpius jealous you have to do more then put your hand on my thigh"

I froze, fuck- he really was a Ravenclaw.

He smirked and pulled away just enough so he could place a small kiss onto my cheek. I blushed with embarrassment.

"Don't need to be embarrassed. I noticed as soon as you put your hand onto my arm then I saw you glance at Scorpius" he shrugged his shoulders as I mumbled a sorry "Oh no. I loath Scorpius, use me as you please"

My embarrassment faded as my smirk came back. I was to say something when a house elf burst through the doors with many elf's behind em.

"To be continued" he whispered as I stood from the seat and walked back to mine.

I sat back next to Scorpius as immediately his hand flew to mine as he gave it a possessive squeeze.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He whispered as I placed my hand over his and smiled.

"Nothing babe, go back to your conversation with Bonnie" I turned over to Kehlani as she smirked.

"You're a fucking bad bítch, Anna"

"Yes, that was fucking amazing" Tiffany agreed as I smiled.

"Wade found out as soon as I started" I rolled my eyes as Tiffany Snorted.

"Fucking Ravenclaw, man" she laughed as a Pippy placed a plate in front of me.

I turned to the small creature and smiled gratefully "Thank you, Pippy"

"Pippy doesn't need to be thanked, Miss is nice to Pippy so Pippy is grateful" she blinked her big purple eyes as she walked past me and continued serving food.

I smiled before digging into my food. As I took a bite from my carrot I felt eyes on me. I looked to Scorpius who seemed to once again be in a conversation with Bonnie.

I frowned and looked around the table when I suddenly locked eyes with Mr Malfoy.

He looked me in the eyes as he raised a curious brow, picking up his glass full of blood red wine as he sipped gently.

I gulped and squeezed my legs together to rid the aching feeling. He put down his glass before looking towards Wade then back to me. He sent me a small smirk before Kimberly pulled him away.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in as I took a sip of my own wine.

You have never felt such a feeling until you have stared into the eyes of Eros, the god of desire that is Draco Malfoy.

For those who don't know, Eros is the Greek god of Sex and Desire so it's basically Draco...

This chapter was a little short but the next will be longer x

Word count 1179.

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