Hear Me Now

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AnnaLeigh Moore January 1st

"I can't believe all of this happened" I sighed as I sat down on Draco's bed. Letting out a breath I didn't even know I was keeping in.

"To be honest. I'm glad it did because now you can never leave me" Draco joked as he lightly pushed his side.

"Like I would want to anyway" I shook my head "Have you told Scorpius?" I asked nervously. I hated him, I really did but I always found myself caring about what he had to say, not that it would stop me anyway.

"I have" Draco nodded "He is staying at Bonnies for the time being" he said as I nodded and pushed myself back onto the mattress. Even though I wasn't showing at all I was still cautious as to how I moved "I don't want you stressing over him"

"I know" I breathed out as Draco nodded and placed his hand over mine that was resting on the comforter of the bed.

"Tea?" He asked as my eyes widened, I felt my mouth water as I thought of it.

"Please" I smiled as he kissed my temple and left for down stairs. As the door gently shut closed I sighed and shut my eyes for a moment.

Never in a million years would I thought that this is where I would be at this point in my life. Pregnant with the love of my life. I always thought that I would be in medical school after I graduated from Hogwarts. I didn't expect to be even thinking about children until I was at least 25.

Hogwarts graduation was in 3 months. I would finally be free of that school and actually begin my life.

"Here" Draco said as he carefully handed me the cup of tea.

"Thank you Draco" I smiled as I gently placed it on the bedside table.

Draco stared down at me as he sat beside me on the bed. I couldn't never tell what was running through his mind. There had been so many times where he had shut me out and put up that wall that he wouldn't lower, so many times were he would just snap.

Our possible future started to play in my head as I smiled. Everything that Draco and I had been through and yet were still pulling. If it were Scorpius we would be done from the word go.

Cheesy I know but I realised that everything Kehlani said was true. What Draco and I have is real, It doesn't matter how much we disagree and how much we argue because at the end of the day I still rest my head next to his, at the end of the day I still find myself telling him how much I love him before the lights go out.

I look down to my stomach and smile. You weren't intended, oh no. You weren't planned, fuck no. But that doesn't stop any of us from loving you any less. I stroked the outline of my torso as Draco placed a hand on my stomach.

I looked up him as he smirked "May I?" He said gesturing to my stomach.

"Draco they wouldn't even-"


"Fine" I rolled my eyes and chuckled as he bit his bottom lip and reached down towards the belly.

"Hi" he said as I giggled, his warm breath dancing on the light skin "Whatever you are, boy or girl. I'm gonna love you more then anything" I felt myself tear up again "Your mother has been to hell and back for you and she didn't even know. I know your sibling is gone but I can already tell that you're strong because you're the one that lived, the once that stayed"

"Draco" I looked at him in awe as he drew back and planted at kiss onto my lips.

"And I love your mother very much" he smiled as I hit his chest.

"I'm hungry" I laughed as I pushed Draco away and stood to my feet "I haven't eaten for a while"

"Sorry what?" Draco rose an eye brow as I snapped my mouth shut.

"What- nothing" I walked past him as if I said nothing.

"AnnaLeigh- don't you dare walk away from me" he said as he took steps towards me. I laughed and started to run down the stairs, his footsteps increasing as I ran.

"Draco!" I giggled as I turned a corner, nearly slipping on the mat as I ran further into the house.

"AnnaLeigh Moore stop right now!" He shouted as I felt him right behind me. If he was to reach out his arms he would Catch me and he knew it.

We ran for a little bit more before he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down onto the couch in the living room. Uncontrollable laughs escaped my mouth as i buried my head into Draco's neck.

His scent was always comforting. Ever since he quit smoking it had taken up an earthy scent. I could tell when he entered a room without even looking.

"That was so unnecessary" Draco said, not sounding the slightest but out of breath.

"That was fun. I'm so unfit" I huffed as Draco laughed.

"You're not unfit, my love. You are pregnant" he said as I rolled my eyes and pulled my head up so my eyes met his.

"Are you sure you want this?" I asked seriously as his expression faltered for a moment.

"Never in a million years would I of guessed this would happen but that doesn't mean I don't want it any less" he said.

"This is such a big responsibility, Draco. This isn't a pet, this is a child–our child" I said as he just smiled.

"Exactly it's 'our' child and I wouldn't change it for the world" he kissed me on the forehead "I know this isn't gonna be easy for you but I promise you that I'm gonna be here every step of the way. Every morning sickness, every time you need a foot rub because your back hurts" I laughed "Everyone one of your mood swings and weird cravings. Just like I should of been for Astroia. I fucked that up but I'm promise you I won't fuck this up"

I smiled sadly as he sighed "you tired your best Draco. Don't ever beat yourself up for the way he turned out. I know you're going to be the best and I never doubted that for a second" 

"The answer is yes. I want this. More then anything, I want this with you. I want to be with you. I'm glad this happened between us and again... I wouldn't change it for the world"



I'm crying.

Word count 1181.

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