Golden Girl

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AnnaLeigh Moore

The three of us sat in an awkward silence in this room as we sat across from each other at the small table. The tea pot had poured us some tea before McGonnagall cleared her throat.

"Excuse me. I have left something in the office- I'll be right back" She stood from her seat before retreating back into her office, leaving Draco and I alone.

"What the fuck is this about?" I whispered, not even turning my full attention towards Draco.

"If I knew don't you think I would of warned you first hand?" He seethed as I scoffed at his tough attitude.

"Did you use a silencing charm? Fuck- Draco. You can't just eat me out and not put up a simple fucking charm" I scolded as a deep chuckle fell from his mouth "what's so fucking funny?"

"You. When you get mad, Petite" I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye as he licked his lips "I thought you would of known better then to take that attitude with me"


"I'm back" McGonnagalls voice sung through the room as I zipped my mouth shut and smiled at her as she sat down "now I want to discuss something that I heard-"

"Professor McGonnagall I can ex-"

"Don't interrupt" her Scottish accent dripped from her teeth as I felt small in my seat "I heard that it was your goal to be a healer, is that correct?"

My heart stopped beating so fast as I breath out quite but heavily through my nose. I noticed Draco seemed to un tense beside me.

"I- I, um... yes" I cleared my throat "yes it is" I smiled and now my mind wondered where she was going and what it had to do with Draco.

"Your grades are exceptional, Miss Moore and because I'm quiet the friend to your mother.. I thought you might want to look into taking an apprenticeship with Mr Malfoy" She nodded as she sipped lightly on her tea.


I didn't know how to respond as I looked over to Draco who seemed to not have a care in the world as he sat with a expressionless look on his face.

"What do you think, Mr Malfoy?" McGonnagall asked as he finally looked at her for the first time since the meeting started.

"If Miss Moore wishes, I will be more then happy too" He smiled politely as McGonnagall nodded gratefully towards Draco before turning towards me, waiting for my answer.

I thoughts about it and I knew this meant that Draco and I would spend more time with each other and this 'Thing' we have won't be leaving for a while but I also thought how much it would help my mother, she would t have to go away so much.

"Ok" I answered finally as McGonnagall clapped her hands together with a bright smile etched into her face.

"Excellent, Excellent" she cheered as she stood from her seat "Finish your tea then have a great afternoon" she stood from her chair and left the room, again leaving Draco and I.

"It's like this women doesn't know you at all" I rolled my eyes "Leaving you in a room alone with an 18 year old girl- it's like she knows"

"What do you mean?" He asked as he tilted his head towards me but not completely as I stayed sipping my tea.

"You gonna sit there and tell me that if McGonnagall  left you in a closed off room with a girl you were fucking with alone and you wouldn't try something when you went to school here?" I asked as his tongue swept over the inside of his cheek.

"See that desk over there?" He pointed to the desk that was satiated underneath a window, it was empty but looked like it was previously holding ink for quills due to the link stains all over.

"Um... yeah?" I was confused at why he had me looking at an old desk in front of a window.

"You see the chip on the side" he asked as my eyes traced over the table until I found the small chip that was taken out of the side.

He looked to me with a sly smirk on his face, not saying a word as my mind raced over possibilities about what he meant until it slipped over one in particular and my face dropped, his smirk grew.

"Oh- Draco what the fuck? Right next to a window!?" I scoffed as a low chuckle left his mouth.

"You wanted to know" he shrugged his shoulders "Poor little Gryffindor" he shook his head as he stood up.

"You hooked up with a Gryffindor?" I asked out of disbelief, the prince of Slytherin hooking up with a girl from the enemy's side.

"Not just any Gryffindor girl, the Gryffindor girl, the golden girl" he laughed as he walked over the table and over to the desk where he lightly traced the chip "Sometimes bruised fruit tastes the sweetest"

"You're so bipolar it's not even funny" I whispered under my breath before taking the last sip of my tea and standing form the chair, pushing it back and making a scratching sound against the stone as it pushed back "I'm going to the common room, au revoir Monsieur Malfoy (Bye, Mr Malfoy)"

I turned on my heel and left the room before he could make another sound.

"He did what!?" Kehlani shouted as I quickly reached over to cover her mouth with my hands.

"Shhhh. You'll wake up some first years and they don't need to hear this shit" I whispered shouted as I cautiously took my hands from her mouth.

"Sorry but oh my god" she giggled as I let out a laugh myself.

"In the headmistress' office and everything" I said as I folded my legs on the couch in the common room.

"Who the fuck is this guy, like what the fuck?" Kehlani snorted as she chucked a single Bertie Bott into her mouth and cringed when she came out with a bad flavour.

"I don't even know what we are, I need to talk to him but every time I try it just ends up in amazing sex" I sighed as I dipped my head down.

"And you're sad about that?" She furrowed her brows when I just shook my head.

"I'm not sad about I just- it stresses me out" I huffed as I grabbed and Bertie Bott from her.

"Let's change the subject- how are you feeling about your date tomorrow?" She smirked.

"Shit I nearly forgot but I guess I'm excited" I shrugged my shoulders and felt bad about how I was doing shit with Draco yet I'm going on a date with Wade.

It wasn't fare on Wade. He's a smart and kind guy he shouldn't be with me.

"You guess?" She frowned in confusion.

"Well I like Wade, I do but if he finds out that I have been doing stuff with Draco and going on dates with him it will break his heart" I sighed out.

"It's just a date, Anna. It's not like he's asking you to be his girlfriend" Kehlani rolled her eyes as I nodded.

I guess she was right, I didn't really like Wade like that anyway. 

There will be smut in the next chapter I promise!

Also I see and read all of your comments and I wish I could reply to some but Wattpad hates me and I can't but just know I love y'all xo

Word count 1285.

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