Lit Cigar

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AnnaLeigh Moore

"I hate to admit but that was really fucking good" I chuckled as i laid back in the dining room chair.

"Told you I was a good cook" Draco said beside me, I didn't need to look at him to know how
Much of a smirk was on his face right now.

"Yeah, yeah—I'm going to get dressed" I said as I patted him on the shoulder and stood from my seat "Oh- thanks for the painkillers this morning by the way"

He just smirked as I rolled my eyes and took off up stairs to get dressed. I wasn't sure what Draco and I were doing today so I just put on something casual until he told me other wise.

I slid on my shoes and went to head down stairs. Back into the kitchen but Draco wasn't there so I took off towards the garden with a cup of tea.

I never really been in their garden before. I have looked upon it from a window but never once have I actually sat out there and enjoyed the fresh air. Of course it was fucking freezing out there due to it being winter and all so I had to put on extra layers.

I walked through the back door and instantly the cold fresh wind hit my face. I could feel my cheeks and the tip of my nose already turn red because of the frosty air.

I turned to sit on the table near the veranda when I was met with Draco already sitting on One side. I jumped a little, almost spilling my tea as I didn't expect him to be out here.

He had a lit cigar in between his fingers while his free hand held a copy of the daily prophet.

"It's freezing out here" I chuckled as I sat down opposite Draco and placed my tea cup in front of me. Draco placed his paper down and stared at me.

"Indeed it is" he smiled as he took a small puff of his expensive smelling smoke. I watched as his chest rose when he breathed in and as it sunk back down when he blew out, blowing it to the side as to not get it in my face.

And for some reason, it made butterfly's abrupt in my stomach.

Draco chuckled as he noticed they way I watched him smoke.

"Have you ever had one?" He asked as he rose an eye brow.

"N- No not really. Kehlani smokes but I just never seen the point" I shrugged as I realised
I probably shouldn't of told him that Kehlani smoked as her father doesn't know but the damage was done.

"Come, darling" he pulled back in his chair and patted his lap as he held the smoke between his lips.

I gulped and slowly stood from my chair before placing myself into his lap, legs dangling each side of him as I was straddling him, completely forgetting about my tea that was getting cold.

My face was so close to his that out noses were touching, his just as cold as mine. He took the smoke between his fingers and took a long drag. I felt his chest rise against mine as he held it in.

I was confused as to what he was doing until his free hand grasped my chin, forcing my mouth open as he squished my cheeks before he blew the smoke into my mouth, looking me
Dead in the eyes as he did so.

The taste was bitter, minty and had a plant based tint. I felt it shoot down my throat as I breathed it in. I felt my self needing to cough but I held it in until he realised my chin and I turned my head to the side and let out a small

Draco smirked as I shifted in his lap "That was- not as bad as I thought" I coughed out as I placed my hands on his Shoulders.

"Yeah it sure looks like it" he said sarcastically as I hit his chest. He laughed and patted my back as I coughed one last time

"Thanks, I guess?" I tilted my head to the side just a bit as he reached forward and placed a gentle kiss to my lips. He tasted just as the smoke but stronger.

"We have dinner reservations tonight" he smiled as I looked at him confused.

"And you were going to tell me this when?" I asked in a serious Tone as he just shrugged his shoulders "Are you mental? I didn't pack for this"

"You're a witch Anna. Accio something to wear although I think you'd look sexy in a trash bag" Draco shrugged as he took another smoke of his cigar.

I rolled my eyes and hopped off his lap "What time is the reservation?"

"7:30" he said as I nodded and headed back inside. I looked up to a clock that sat on the wall as it read "1pm" I had some time so I decided to go have a nice bath.

I walked up the stairs towards Draco's room until I heard faint yelling from the other end of the hallway. As curious as I am I decided to eavesdrop on what was going on.

I walked down the hallway and noticed it was coming from Scorpius' room.

"What are we supposed to do now, Bonnie!?" Scorpius' voice echoed through the door as i leant my ear to the wood.

"How the fuck would I know? This whole fake pregnancy thing was your fucking idea Scorpius!" Bonnie screeched back as I felt a sharp gasp tear through my lips.

It was fucking fake!?

"It was just to make Anna jealous so she would get back with me! I didn't know she would end up being with my father!" Scorpius replied as my body filled with rage. He did this for fucking what!?"

"Well now I'm actually pregnant so explain how I have to pull off being almost a month pregnant when I'm only 1 week!? This was a stupid fucking idea" Bonnie scoffed as I heard movement in the room.

"It's not just me! You wanted the popularity and money and I wanted Anna back. This was two ways, Bonnie" Scorpius sounded much closer to the door as I figured he stood up or moved towards Bonnie.

As much as I hate Bonnie I was scared Scorpius was going to hurt her or the real baby so I acted as though I didn't just hear the whole conversation and knocked on the door.

They both fell silent as Bonnie answered it

"What do you want?" She Scoffed as I rolled my eyes and looked towards Scorpius.

"Do you have any body wash left? Draco is all out" I had to make up an excuse on the spot as Scorpius sighed and took off into his bathroom to grab me some.

I stood there awkwardly as I waited for Scorpius to return until I decided to have a little fun with this fucked situation.

"How's the pregnancy going?" I asked as Bonnie folded her arms in front of her and sighed.

"Oh it's great" she said sarcastically as Scorpius returned.

He handed me the bottle as I thanked him and left.

I couldn't fully process what the fuck I just heard. The pregnancy was all so I would get back together with Scorpius and Bonnie was getting paid for it?

How long had this been going on for? Was this always the plan? I thought he hated me? I thought it was mutual!

And now Bonnie was actually pregnant from him. I guess the sex was just an added pleasure for both of them and it turned up side down. This was seriously fucked up and I felt nothing but anger towards both of them.

How was I gonna tell Draco?

Hey y'all! It's been a crazy two days as I'm moving houses and spent all day picking up heavy arse furniture.

Where is Draco when you need him? 😩

Word count 1353.

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