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AnnaLeigh Moore

"Ok... spill" Kehlani shifted in her seat and leaned towards me as I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's not really something I want anyone else knowing-not even Albus or Tiffany" I said giving her a serious look as Kehlani nodded.

"We'll meet in our dorm after" She smiled sweetly before turning and making conversation with the other Slytherins.

I tried to sip some more on my pumpkin juice but I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on me. My suspicions were confirmed as I spun my head around and spotted Draco staring at me from the end of the Professors table.

His plate of food untouched as he sat back in his chair, a black suit fitted perfectly over his body as he held his chin in his hand. His icy blonde hair gelled neatly as he bounced his leg up and down. He smirked once he noticed that I was starting back at him.

I felt butterfly's swell in my stomach at the way he was staring at me as I clenched my legs together. I noticed Professor Longbottom next to him trying to have a conversation as Draco just nodded and said a word here and there in response, never once breaking the eye contact. 

Images of the night we shared flashing through my mind as I watched his smirk grow—he knew what I was thinking, whether he read my mind or he just knew by my facial expression. Both just as embarrassing as each other.

"We have broken up for one day and you're already making googling eyes at Professor Longbottom" I turned my head back around to across from me where Scorpius and Bonnie had taken a seat.

If only you knew.

"You are literally sitting across from me with Bonnie" I scoffed back as he just smirked and leaned forwards.

"At least she's my age- Mr Longbottom is musty-"

"Take that the flying fuck back before I rip your balls off you albino bitch" Kehlani snapped as she sent him an icy glare.

"Watch your mouth" Bonnie seethed as I laughed at her attempt of being tough.

"Talk to my friend like that again and you'll wake up bald" I squinted my eyes at Bonnie as she gasped and kept her mouth shut, they were both fucking pussy's.

"Everything ok?" I jumped slightly as I slowly turned around to meet Draco's eyes.

"Everything's great, father. Just having a little chat with AnnaLeigh" Scorpius innocently smiled as Draco didn't take his eyes off me.

"Is that true?" He asked me as I decided against snitching on Scorpius- at least not this time anyway.

I just nodded my head as he took a sharp look at Scorpius and left. Until he left I didn't realise how fast my heart was beating and how hot I had become.

"Come on" Kehlani nudged me up as I nodded and stood from my seat "We're gonna go back to the dorms" Kehlani told Albus and Tiffany as she linked arms with mine and we left.

Once we were in our dorms Kehlani immediately shut and locked the door as I slumped down onto my bed.

"Ok what the fuck was that?" I sat up in my bed and gave her a confused look "Mr Malfoy Looked at you like y'all have been fucking or some shit- oh my god! YOU FUCKED HIM DIDNT YOU!"

"Keep your fucking voice down Kehlani" I whisper shouted as I stood from my bed and rushed towards her .

"You didn't deny it. Oh my god- Anna you filthy bitch" she squealed as she clapped her hands.

"Ok- yes but you can't tell anyone. Swear to me" I looked at her seriously as I held her hands to stop them from clapping anymore.

"C'mon, qui qui t'aime? (Who loves you?)" she wrapped me in a hug as I sighed in relief. It felt so good to get it off my chest but I still felt bad I couldn't tell Tiffany it Albus but I could deal and what they didn't know couldn't kill them "You have to tell me fucking everything"

I laughed and hit her in the chest as she gave me a small smirk. I had spent almost the whole night telling Kehlani everything that happened. She was absolutely furious at Scorpius and I felt like she added Bonnie to her death note.

"Rise and shine, Draco's bitch" kehlani flicked the light on as I groaned and threw the blanket off myself.

"Ok you can't be calling me that" I sighed as she laughed and shut the bathroom door behind herself.

A large yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my arms behind my back. The first day of lessons was today and I was gonna try my best to stay the fuck away from the infirmary. It's not that I regretted what happened with Draco it's just that if I spoke to him I don't think I could stop it from happening again.

Kehlani was lucky I had a shower last night otherwise I would be kicking her arse out of the bathroom. She takes all morning in the bathroom and it's fucked up. That's why I try to avoid showering in the morning.

I quickly threw my uniform on and threw my hair into a pony tale before doing my light makeup. Just as I finished off mascara, Kehlani walked out of the bathroom, ready.

"You look pretty. Is it for a certain someone" she wiggled her eye brows and smirked as she walked towards me.

"Nope. If anything I'm trying to avoid him" I pursed my lips in front of the mirror as I applied clear gloss.

"What!?" Kehlani shouted making me jump in my seat "You could seriously use Mr Malfoy to get to Scorpius. Imagine the look on his face when he finds out you have been sleeping with his dear old dad, plus he's super fucking hot"

Kehlani had a point. As fucked up as it sounds to use someone like that, it would be amazing to see Scorpius's face "Lani- I can't. Draco doesn't deserve that" I shook my head.

"See! You call him Draco and everything- it was meant to be" she pleaded as she crouched next to me.

"I call him Draco because he asked me too" I say in am 'as a matter for fact' tone as I rub my lips together, not taking my eyes of my reflection in the mirror.

"Even better! C'mon Anna. You have too, besides... you can tell me all about it afterwords" she whispered the last bit as I picked up a beauty blender and chucked it at her, laughing in the process.

"I'll think about it" I shrugged my shoulders as I stood from my chair and smiled to myself "What do we have first"

Kehlani stood next to me and smirked into the mirror "Herebology" I slapped my hand over my forehead knowing wasn't going to get anything out of Kehlani this lesson, she was IN love with Professor Longbottom.

I mean don't get me wrong, he was a real looker and form the photos I have seen in the trophy cabinet of when was younger- he had really grown up for the better. There was a part of me that felt bad when Kehlani hit on him because his wife was the sweetest thing.

Luna Lovegood or Luna Longbottom. They had a daughter, Norla Longbottom-Slytherin and a son Xenophilius Longbottom-Hufflepuff, Shortly after the second wizard war. I had only met Luna twice and sometimes she was a little weird but other then that, she was perfect. Tight long blonde curls that swung past her shoulders, ocean blue eyes and a bright smile- she was the perfect girl.

"Come I don't wanna be late" Kehlani rushed as she grabbed my hand, I had just enough time to grab my satchel off the floor before she dragged me away.

Read 'Impulse; Draco Malfoy' xoxo

Word count 1344.

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