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AnnaLeigh Moore

It was now around about 10 and the guests where almost gone as I said my goodbyes to Kehlani and Tiffany.

"Just chop his balls off, Anna" Kehlani smiled evilly as she pulled away from our hug.

"Men" Tiffany rolled her eyes "They are all the same- he hence why I eat pussy" she winked as I sent her a playful glare.

"Too much information, Tiff" I snorted as she shook her head and wrapped me in an hug.

"But seriously, fuck all men" she pulled from the hug as we had her father from outside.

"Tiffany Lilth Parkinson. We don't have all night!" Tiffany rolled her eyes as she sent him a glare.

"I hate when he uses my full name" she scoffed to me as she quickly kissed me on the cheek and ran off towards her father.

"I'll see you in two days" Kehlani kissed me on the other cheek as she ran towards her father as well.

They were the last of the guest besides Bonnie and Kimberly, both of them in the dining room with Mr Malfoy, leaving me with Scorpius.

As soon as the door shut he glared at me dangerously "Upstairs, Anna. Now"

I gulped nervously as I obeyed, maybe trying to make him jealous was a bad idea.

I hurried up the stairs as I heard his heavy footsteps behind me.

I turned a corner and waited in Scorpius room until he came in.

He walked through the door, slamming it behind him before I head it lock with a click.

"What the fuck, Anna!?" He yelled as I flinched at the sudden loud tone "You think I wouldn't notice you Flirting with fucking Wade! That's so disrespectful"

Was he serious right now? He has been flirting with Bonnie all night yet I'm disrespectful?

My nerves left as I was filled with pure white anger.

"Are you fucking Kidding, Scorpius!? You have been flirting with Bonnie all night and then when I do it it's suddenly a crime" I stand from my sitting position on his bed.

"So you were flirting!" He scoffs as she towers over me.

"Your fucking unbelievable, Scorpius- your really are" I shake my head as I place my hand over my forehead.

"I can't fucking deal with you right now AnnaLeigh- I'm going out and won't be back till later" I look up at him in shock as he grabs his coat from the post of his bed.

"You can't be serious? It's already 10:10 at night Scorpius" my tone is a bit more calm as he just ignores me and storms out, slamming the door behind him.

I flinch slightly then fall back onto the bed. He tried to turn this shit on me then just leaves.

Maybe it really was a bad idea to flirt with Wade because now I have made him mad and I feel guilty. I know I shouldn't since he was flirting with Bonnie all night but my emotions are all over the place and I didn't know what to think.

I kick off my heels and they on my back in his bed, still dressed in my formal wear as I let out a long shaky breath.

I wondered if Bonnie and Kimberly were still downstairs, I really hope they weren't because I would kill for a firewhisky right now.

I sit up from the bed and tie my hair into a messy bun, not even bothering to change as I creep slowly out of Scorpius's room.

Over the days I have gotten more familiar with the house and I like to think I know my way around now.

I walk slowly to the upstairs kitchen. I didn't know if Bonnie and Kimberly were still here and I didn't want to take the chances.

Just to make sure I dip my head into each room I pass until I stumble upon one room. I stop at the doorway and look in. It's completely empty besides a single piano and violin that sat on top of the piano.

Now I was trash at piano but I knew a few things about the violin.

The thought of firewhisky left my mind as I thought 'fuck it' and wondered into the room. The piano was a crisp black and collected dust. It looked as tho it hadn't been used in a while.

And it was gonna stay that way, it looked to fragile for me to touch so I just picked up the violin. I didn't know any songs so I just started to play what I was feeling.

As my fingers gently sliced across the strings, a beautiful symphony played. I closed my eyes, focusing on the vibration of the sound as the violin laid carefully on my shoulder.

With my eyes closed and myself so wrapped in the music, I didn't even notice someone walk in.

"Forgot I even had these in here" I jump, startled as pull the violin form myself.

I look up to see Mr Malfoy. Of course it was him.

"S-Sorry I was just-"

"Not a problem. I'm no good at Violin, it was always Scorpius" he said as he turned his away from me and looked off into the distance.

I nodded my head slowly as I put the violin back where it was on the piano.

Awkward silence filled the air as i eyed him up and down.

He didn't have his suit jacket on anymore so it was just his suit vest and formal pants. An expensive looking sliver watch sat on his wrist as his hands were placed comfortably in his pockets.

I looked back up to his face to see him already staring at me. My cheeks went a soft pink as I put my head down.

I get butterfly's as I heard his soft foot steps come closer to me. One of his long fingers lifting up my chin so I'm forced to stair the devil in the eyes once again.

"You know your beautiful? Shame you're my sons" he whispers, his face near inches away from mine.

The temptation to kiss him was far worse then before as his musky Cologne and cigarette flamed my senses.

His finger moved from my chin to my neck as his hand gently caressed the exposed muscles. I gulped as his icy fingers traced my exposed collarbones.

He towered over me much more then Scorpius did. Next to him I felt small and weak.

His face inched closer as his eyes locked with mine. His lips barley touched mine. My head was fuzzy and unclear. I wanted nothing more then to give in and kiss him but I just couldn't.

I pulled back and cleared my throat "I- I have to find Scorpius" I took a step back as Mr Malfoy looked up.

"He's not here?" He raised an eye brow as I shook my head.

"W- We had a fight and he- he left" I looked to the ground as I hear him curse under his breath.

"Are you ok?" He asked as I looked back up him and just faintly nodded. I really wasn't but I didn't wanna bother him with my troubles.

He gave me a disbelieving hum as I pulled his wand from his pocket.

"Stay put" he said before he apparated, leaving me alone.

He can run me over and I'd say "again"

Word count 1241.

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