My Favourite Ravenclaw

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AnnaLeigh Moore

The days went on as long and boring. I hadn't really seen Draco much since the other night and every time I do my deeds with him, I feel like I shouldn't of, like it was all a mistake.

But he was right, all this thinking and worrying of him was, in a way, benefitting me because I did indeed forget about Scorpius. I would see himself and bonnie in the halls but I wouldn't give them so much as a second glance as I stalked past them.

I had taken my sling off as it was only minor bruising. I have had to stop Kehlani and Tiffany from ripping his balls off, although as much as I would like them to do that, I need them here with me and not expelled.

The great hall was almost empty as everyone had gone home for the weekend to visit their families but my mother was out on business and all my friends decided to stay and keep me company so Kehlani, Tiffany, Zent and I sat in the great hall, picking at our food as we conversed.

"And I told her 'Look, you're hot but I'm just not feeling it' and she threw a fucking book at me. It was a magical creatures book too! Like she knows I'm failing or some shit" Zent ranted as he pointed to the the purple lump on his forehead.

"Maybe you should of told her that before you fucked her, dumbass" Kehlani squinted her eyes at her brother "And fucking study! Magical creatures is the easiest subject"

"Yo, how that fuck are you a Hufflepuff?" Tiffany scrunched up her nose, clearly high as she shoved mashed potatoes into her mouth.

"Let's see- you're Too dumb for Ravenclaw, not brave enough for Gryffindor and not determined enough for Slytherin, not to mention I would fucking kill the sorting it if we were put in the same house" I snorted out a laughter at Kehlani's words as Zent scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Woah, harsh" Wade sits beside Zent as Tiffany wraps him in a big hug.

"Oh! My favourite Ravenclaw!" She exclaimed as she tussled his brown locks "You look dashing today I must say. Hey do you happen to-"

"Have the answers to the upcoming DADA quiz? Yes, Tiffany. I know all your ways" Wade rolls his eyes as a soft chuckled falls from his mouth, reaching into the pocket of his robes to pull out a short sheet of answers.

"Brilliant! Thanks mate" she snatched the piece of parchment from his hands before standing from her seat and walking over to give me a warm kiss on the cheek "I'm gonna go 'Study' see ya" she winked before leaving the great hall just as Albus came in.

"I have a feeling that by 'Study' she means she stole all the answers from Wade and is now going to copy them into her text book" Albus chuckled as he took the spot Tiffany had just left beside me.

"Yup" I chuckled as he shakes his head and pours himself a goblet of pumpkin juice.

"Oh and Anna" I look at Albus as he takes a bite of a bread roll "Professor McGonnagall wants to see you" he spoke with a mouth full of bread.

"Oh, what for?" I asked, worried that she might of somehow found out about Draco and I.

He just shrugged his shoulders and started into a conversation with Wade as I turned around to Kehlani.

"Want me to come?" She asked as she placed her hand on my arm.

"No. It's fine, I'll meet you in the common room later" I smile before giving her a kiss on the cheek "Ok.." I stood from my seat "Albus, don't eat yourself to death, Zent, stay the fuck away from girls and Wade..." I had really nothing to say about Wade "Wade... stay awesome" I laughed as I turned and left the great hall.

I got to just outside the great hall when a hand firmly gripped my shoulder, stopping me in my pursuit to McGonnagalls office.

"Anna" I turned around and sighed as I saw it was only Wade "Can I ask you something?"

He dropped his hand from my shoulder as I flicked my hair to the side and nodded "Sure. Go ahead"

His body stiffened and I noticed the red tint in his cheeks, he looked nervous, but what for?

"I think you're really cool and what Scorpius did to you was fucking shit" he started off as I already had a little idea as to where this was going "I- I was wondering..." he was stuttering nervously in his words.

"C'mon, you can ask me anything" I let out a small laugh as he gave me a smile.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmead tomorrow, Just the two of us?" His voice was slightly shaky and small.

My muscles tensed slightly as I struggled to get a straight answer in my brain. I thought about Draco and how it would affect him if I said yes but then I also thought that it's not like Draco and I were a thing anyway and it didn't mean anything.

"Y'know what? Sure" I nodded my head and gave him a warm smile as he realised a sigh relaxation.

"G- Great! I'll see you tomorrow then?" A wide smile was spread across his cheeks as his brown curls fell over his face. I'm not gonna lie, Wade was very attractive.

"I'll meet you outside the Ravenclaw tower at 11, bye" I waved before turning and finally making my way to the headmistress' office.

I lightly knocked on the door to the headmistress' office and waited a minutes before the door swung open, revealing the empty study. My brows furrowed as I slowly walked into the room, the door shutting quietly behind me.

This room really gave off the wizarding world vibe as everything that you think can be enchanted was. The paintings on the wall chatted while enchanted quills writ down nonsense onto the parchment pieces before them. A magic broom sweeping the floor as candles floated above, giving the room a generous low lighting.

I turned my head to the left where a door was slightly cracked open. I know I shouldn't of but my curiosity got the best off me as I walked towards the door and pushed it open to see the inside. It was a tea room.

It seemed to be empty but as I walked further into the room I noticed tea pots full of fresh tea and before them sat three tea cups that awaited to be filled.

I looked further into the room and didn't seem to notice the handsome blonde that had walked in after me.

"Miss Moore?" His low voice echoed through the room as he startled me a bit. I smiled and turned around.

"Dra- Mr Malfoy" I ceased my talking as I saw that Professor McGonnagall was standing beside him, her usual tight green dress and tall witch hat on her head.

"AnnaLeigh dear, take a seat, I have some things I would like to discuss with you and Mr Malfoy" She smiled politely as I turned around and sat down in one of the three awaiting chairs.

My limbs shaking and my palms sweaty as I was dreading what I was so sure was gonna come out of her mouth.

Hello! I'm back.

I'm sorry I had mad writers block and couldn't produce shit but your fav hoe is back in business and the next chapter will be out some time tomorrow😙

Word count 1273.

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