Wide Blue

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AnnaLeigh Moore

Christmas break was starting today.

I decided not to tell Draco what Scorpius had said and done, which would probably be a bad decision in the long term but I just didn't wanna ruin their relationship any further.

I was packing my bag when Kehlani came in, being her normal cheery self.

"Good morning! I just had the best shower" she said as I chuckled, stuffing my clothes into the bag.

"Did it include a certain someone?" I raise my eye brow as she giggles and shakes her head.

"Maybe..." She bit her lip as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"It 100% did" I shrug my shoulders as she sighed and finally gave in.

"Anyway, how's your mum, will she be home?" She asked as i a pit of sadness took over me for just a moment.

"Not for the first two days, she's got a Business trip" I breath out as Kehlanis smile falls into a sad one.

"Oh, I'm sorry" She places a hand on my shoulder "I know you haven't seen her for a while–wish I could get away from my mum and her new boyfriend, he smells" she whispered the last bit as a giggle left my mouth.

She always knew how to cheer me up, in the slightest.

"Well Dad, Zent and I are going out to dinner at one of his mates houses tonight if you wanna come?" She asked as I turned and smiled.

"That would be better then sitting in the house alone, who's is it?" I asked as she just turned around and shrugged.

"Hopefully not Tiffany's house. I love her but her dads a Fucken creep and her mum's a stuck up bitch" She walked over to her bed "Just come home with me, send your mother an owl or something"

"Yeah I will" I smiled, grateful I had such good friends, if I didn't have them I don't know where I'd be or what I'd do.

I stood on the platform 9 3/4, searching through the crowds for Kehlanis father with her and Zent by my side. I hadn't seen him since he caught Draco and I so it was for sure going to the most awkward thing, I mean... the man saw Draco and I naked for fucks sake.

"Where the fuck is he!?" Zent groaned as Kehlani shot him a glare.

"Do you ever shut up? He's probably - look there he is" Khelani painted over the crowd as we stopped him leaning against a wall, waiting for us.

We made our way over to him as he spotted us and smiled.

"My children" he said as he smiled at Zent and Kehlani "AnnaLeigh" he said as he smiled awkwardly.

Kehlani and I looked at each other as the painful memory came flooding back, more vivid then the actual time it happened.

"Well we better be off then, Mr Malfoy is expecting us" Mr Zabini smiled as he grabbed our bags and made his way to his privet car.

"We're going to Draco's?" I asked Kehlani as she nodded.

"I guess so"

The manor was warmer then I remember and it smelt amazing, like home cooked beef strew–my favourite. It was quiet and the only sounds that could be heard were the low chatters of Mr Zabini and Zent as we currently stood at the entrance waiting for Draco.

I don't know why but I felt nervous. This was the first time I had been in this manor without being with Scorpius. I knew he was going to be here tonight and I was just praying he didn't give any trouble–not for me sake... for his.

A small pop was heard from in front of us as an elf greeted us.

"Mast Draco and master Scorpius are waiting for you all in living room" the small elf peeped as we thanked him and made our way to the living room.

Mr Zabini had in his hand a bottle of expensive wine that I was eager to get my hands on, maybe it would ease the nerves.

We entered the large room as we spotted Draco sitting in a sofa in front of the fireplace, a glass of wine already in hand as Scorpius sat across from him on a single chair with a book in hand.

"Wow Scorpius, I didn't know you could read" Kehlani broke the silence in mocked surprise.

"I swear-"

"Scorpius" Draco's voice boomed through out the room as he squinted his eyes at his father. Draco shook his head as Scorpius huffed and returned back to his book.

Kehlani smirked as Draco stood from his chair with a smile on his face.

"Blaise, Zent" he nodded his head to them who nodded back as we turned to us "Ladies" he smiled sweetly at Kehlani as she smiled back, then he turned to me, a Malicious glint in his eyes as he eyed me.

"Miss Moore" he smirked his oh so charming smirk, I knew there was more then just charming ness behind it–there always was.

I felt my cheeks burn up, he never failed to make me blush–something that I lost doing when I was with Scorpius.

"Shall we?" Mr Zabini asked, breaking the unspoken tension between Draco and I.

"Yeah" Draco agreed as we walked past, that addicting smell that captured me in the first place swirling around the room.

"Well that was really good" Zent complemented as he took a sip of him pumpkin juice.

"Misty is a good cook" Draco answered as just right on que, she popped in.

"Misty heard her name?" The small elf blinked her big purple eyes up at Draco.

"We were just complementing the food, Misty. It was Delicious" I smiled down at her as she smiled.

"Thank you miss" she bowed before popping back to the kitchen.

I felt the sudden edge to go to the loo so I excused my self and made my way up the large stair case, using them memory from the last time I was at this place to navigate my way.

But as always, I got lost.

I rounded a corner down a dark hallway, many portraits laid on the wall as as they watched me stalk down. I passed a serious if locked doors until a grip on my arm pulled me into one of the rooms.

A small yelp left my mouth as I stumbled back into the broad chest, I instantly knew who it was–Draco.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as he spun me around and connected his lips with mine.

"I didn't know you were coming tonight, where's your mother?" He asked a she pulled away from me.

"She's on a Business trip. Kehlani invited me over" I replied back as he nodded and stroked the sides of my arms.

"Well I'm glad you're here, you look so pretty" I smiled at his flirting and leant on my tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips.

"Father can you-"

Draco and I jumped apart in the blink of an eye as Scorpius stood at the door, hand hanging on the handle as his other hand held the door frame.

His face was more pale then usual as his blonde streaks fell upon his eyes. His lips parted to say something but no words came out. He blinked at us for a few times before letting go of the handle.

"What the actual fuck"

Scorpius knows y'all fuck-

Word count 1261.

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