Magic Minister

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AnnaLeigh Moore

"You're gonna be sick if you drink that much milk tea" I said as I eyed Draco, sitting at the table and drinking his 4th cup of tea in the last hour as I was in the kitchen.

"Well don't you sound like my wife" He said as I stopped mid washing dishes and looked towards him. He looked as though he had realised what he said too as he sat there wide eyed "I-"

"I need a tea" I breathlessly laughed as I turned around and poured myself a cup of tea.

"I have to go to work" Draco stood from his chair, the wood scratching on the floor as he pushed it back.

"Oh- wait don't forget your-"

"My scarf, got it" he smirked as he walked into the kitchen and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Thank you" I smiled "Have fun at work"

"Don't ever hesitate to apparate into my office, ok?" He said seriously as I smiled and nodded "I love you"

"I love you" I said as he smiled and walked from the room. I turned around and went back to washing the dishes. I knew it was the elf's job but I had to do something to keep myself busy in this big house.

I rinsed off the last cup, drying my hands off before placing them on my hips "What to do" I muttered to myself. I suddenly heard continuous thumping upstairs, it was giving me a headache so I decided to go tell Scorpius to shut the fuck up myself.

I marched up the stairs and reached Scorpius' door, going to knock when I heard him speak.

"No you weren't supposed to!" He said frustrated. I furrowed my eye brows as I gently pressed my ear to the door "Nothing was supposed to happen for fucks sake you were not actually supposed to touch her you fucking idiot"

Am I hearing what I think I am? He couldn't be talking about the incident in the kitchen, could he?

"I was supposed to swoop in and save- yes I know I did but that fact is that you actually fucking touched her! And you broke our wards, my father stormed in, I told you a way around them" Scorpius sighed as a silent gasp left my mouth. He was actually fucking sick.

"AnnaLeigh- yes, ok bye" I'm assuming he hung up the phone as I stood back from the door, I felt physically sick as I stumbled back and clutched on the railing of the staircase.

Who would do such a thing! I wanted to believe that I was dreaming. I wanted to believe that no one was actually that sick to do something like this to someone, especially someone you used to love. I wanted to pinch myself and I would wake up from this everlasting nightmare.

Suddenly Scorpius swung open the door, catching me standing just outside with tears prickling my eyes.

His face went pale as he took in my appearance. He ran a hand through his hairs as he bit his lip hard.

"Oh no- Anna how much-" he reached to touch me as I flinched widely and stepped back "Fuck- fuck you weren't supposed-"

"You disgusting fucking pig" I spat at him as I reached for the wand in my pocket.

"Anna what are you-"

"Apparate" I whispered as my world tumbled and turned around me, Scorpius just turning into a swirl of colours as I landed in the ministry.

Tears blurred my vision as wizards and witches swooped past me without a second glance. I had only been here once and I was completely lost. I spun around frantically trying to look for signs of directions.

𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now