Chapter forty six

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My eyes peel open, letting the blinding sunlight in. My eyebrows immediately furrow together as I squint at the small opening between the dark grey curtains and the window. I toss the blankets from my legs, curious to see more. 

It is never sunny here. 

I pull the curtain open and my eyes widen. The yard is glowing a beautiful lively green under the rare sunshine. The leaves on the dark oak trees are a vivid evergreen. It is absolutely beautiful. A small smile spreads across my lips as I grab my robe. 

I finally reach the garden on his estate. The small wilted weeds have blossomed overnight. The sweet smell of roses and peony flowers graze my nostrils. I stop for a second under the sunshine and take a deep breath. I feel like I am on top of the world underneath the brilliant sunshine. 

I walk closer to a particular ivory rose. My fingertips gently poke at the fragile flower, as if I am making sure this isn't a dream. The soft petals remain under my finger. 

There is a soft breeze today. It is warm and oceanic on my bare legs. I clutch my robe closer around my chest, walking around the garden. The hedges surrounding the area are beginning to sprout some sort of small pale periwinkle flower. 

I come upon an archway made of dark wood. It grows twisted vines all around it. They hang down to just above the top of my head. In the middle of the yard is a beautiful fountain. The fountain stands taller than the hedges. It gently spews water, which runs down to the second level like a waterfall. 

There is a figure perched on the base of the fountain. Her back is turned to me, but she wears a white gown that flows gently in the wind. I cock my head to the side in curiosity as I take quiet steps towards her. The hair that sprouts from her head is a blinding whiteish pink. The color is unlike I have ever seen before. It reaches down to her waist and is covered in little pink flowers. 

I finally reach her back and on queue she turns around to face me. 

"Heidi, hello" She greets me with a smile. 

I look into her eyes and my lips part slightly at the sight of her. She is easily the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Her nose is small and dainty. It is glittered with gentle freckles that spread all the way to her perfect cheeks. Her eyes are huge. They are decorated with long lashes that somehow remind me of butterflies. But what is the most mesmerizing thing about her is the color of her eyes. The liquid silver orbs pull me into her. I can't seem to look away from them, and I don't ever want to. 

"You must be Atropos." I choke out, still in a trance from her beauty. 

She lets out a small melodic chuckle and brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. 

"You can call me Ari." 

Atropos is the third key fate. She is as beautiful as she is deadly. Her job in determining the strings of a persons fate is to cut the string. She decides when it is for somebody to die-- down to the exact moment. 

"Do you know why I have come to you?" She asks, tilting her head to the side only slightly. 

I feel an instant knot in my throat, knowing this must have something to do with the fact that I did not kill Zane. 

How could I have been so stupid to think that Cole wouldn't find out. 

"You cannot possibly expect me to kill my own mate?" I breathe out, trying to hide my fear. 

She shakes her head no. Then she stands, offering her hand into the air beside her. 

"Walk with me, child" 

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