Chapter thirty nine

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I spend the day in my room, dreading the night to come. I could run. Escape while I can, not have to face Zane. Not have to kill him. 

But then Aiden would suffer. Watching him literally burn in front of my own eyes was traumatic enough; to know that I was the cause of his pain. 

Zane had sent a medic to my room, to check up on me. The man took my temperature, checked my pupil dilation. Everything was fine. I was okay, just guilty. Am I really capable of murder?

Hours and hours had passed where I was just sitting on the floor, watching the rain pour outside of my window. I felt like a zombie.

A small knock at my door finally caused me to move from my place on the floor. I pull the door open and see Evangeline.

"So I hear you have a date tonight?" She says bravely, walking into the room. She seems happier today, as if she has a little more pep in her step. 

"Uh, yeah." I scratch the back of my neck, watching her open up various bags she's drug into the room. 

I sit down on my small stool, letting her glitter me up. 

She keeps my makeup simple, only applying light foundation and thin eyeliner. She says she wants my natural beauty to be the "Highlight of the night" or whatever that means. 

She dresses me in a white dress. The top is covered in small pearls. The skirt flows down like a river, carrying with my every movement. It reaches down to just above my knees. She also gifts me a pair of sleek white heels. 

She finally gives me her "you're ready" nod and makes her way out of the room just as fast as she came, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. 

I take a deep breath, pulling out the purple vial of poison. This time it has a black ex on the cork, marking it as deadly. I hold the small glass bottle in my fingertips, looking deeply into the liquid. 

I could take the poison right now and escape all of this. 

I would be reunited with Aiden, free from all of this torment. Zane could defeat Jax on his own.

I wrap my fingers around the cork, pulling the top off of the poison. 

"Oh come on, don't you dare." I hear a scowl from behind me. I turn my head to the side, already knowing that smooth voice. 

"And what if I do?" I counter, turning to face Cole, "Then your little plan will be spoiled. Zane will not be dead and I will have altered my own timeline once again."

He lets out a frustrated sigh as his eyebrows scrunch together. He disappears from his stance a few feet away and reappears in front of me, making me jump. His fingers yank the bottle from me and surprisingly no liquid spills out. He shoves the cork back into the bottle and holds it up to my face. 

"There are things you do not understand, love. But as long as you obey, everything will go accordingly." He snaps, eyes cold. 

"Why are you even here?" I roll my eyes, turning away from him and making my way towards the window, "Jax already told me what would happen if I am not successful." I grit out. 

"Just making sure you don't get cold feet." He shrugs off casually, walking closer. 

"I'm not. You can see my fate anyways, Fate." I spew my words out. 

He grabs my arm, pulling me around to face him. 

"It only takes two minutes for this poison to kick in," he offers up a small watch to me, "After that you will be safe. No harm will come to Aiden, I promise." His words are softer now as he places the small watch around my wrist. 

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