Chapter thirty two

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Maybe I have truly gone insane. The migraine that eats away at my brain has driven me to shoot people. I am just as much of a criminal as the men held in the cells here.


The man standing in the doorway wears the same uniform as everybody else. The boys don't have to wear leggings, however. They get the privilege of wearing navy blue slacks. So this new man in charge decided to make fools of the women who worked hard to gain a position in The Guard.

"You." I growl out at the man who I had almost considered a friend, pointing the gun directly at him.

"I'm guessing you don't like the improvements I've made then." he chuckles, brushing me off as I am a joke.

But slowly the puzzle pieces fall into place. I can partially understand why Lance would call on him. He was the leader of the security team in his own pack. Lance probably saw him as an ally considering he saved my life.

"You're making my Guard out as a joke, Cody." I grit through my teeth.

I don't believe for a second that the uniforms are actually that thin and able to withstand a bullet. In the Magic pack they do magic, but never for the benefit of others. The spellcasters would never share their technology with other packs. Not to mention how much the Magic pack dislikes our prison morals. They simply execute anybody who does wrong in their pack. They must've sent Cody to unravel our prison system. After saving me from Jax, he had automatically gained respect from Lance. But Lance is just too thick to see Cody's other motives.

The Alpha of the Magic pack is friends with Lance, but the pack itself is against us. Cody does not have any good intentions working here, I can feel it in my soul.

"By making it better, reinforcing it?" He counters, stepping awfully close to my gun. A move of dominance, showing me he isn't afraid of me.

He doesn't think I will shoot him and he is challenging me.

"You had your reign, I am the Head of the Guard." I announce to him pridefully.

"You were." he narrows his eyes at me, "Until you ran away with the little Alpha."

I let out a deep growl, rupturing throughout the room. Everybody stands still, holding their breaths.

"Ran away? I was kidnapped."

He laughs at me, showing me a darker side of him. This is a side of him I haven't seen before. This is not the man who saved my life from an Alpha.

"If you were truly kidnapped by the Alpha of Terror, you'd be dead." he spits out, "Unless... you were too busy sleeping your way to freedom?" he raises an eyebrow.

This infuriates me. His accusations that I would seriously auction my body out for freedom are uncalled for. Has he been spreading lies?

The rage snaps inside me.

I pull the trigger of the gun. The bang rings through the small room, causing everybody to hit the floor.

I watch Cody's eyes widen as he looks down at his shoulder. He brings his other arm up to brush off where I shot him. A shriveled bullet falls to the ground with a clink. The material on his thin jacket remains intact. It looks as if there was never a bullet there.

"Well maybe I was wrong." I say to the small crowd with a shrug. "Guess they really are bulletproof." I give out a small laugh.

A smirk fills my lips knowing I just shot him. It must've at least stung. Not a single part of me regrets it.

"You have some nerve coming in here and shooting the head officer." He steps closer to me, his eyes swirling with anger.

I lean closer to him, our faces inches apart.

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