Chapter twenty

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After dropping a bomb on me, I had rushed away from him once the song ended. I spent the rest of the party hiding in the bathroom like a gremlin, a glass of wine in each hand. There is no way I can steal from an Alpha. An Alpha of the Magic pack?

Halfway through wine glass number two, a light bulb lights up over my head. I can use it as my escape. With Zane sending me on this mission to steal, instead I can convince the Alpha of the Magic pack to help me escape Zane's grasp. Zane will have less authority when he is outside of his own pack. His name is Dean, he is a mysterious man, but he is known for showing kindness to outsiders. I just need get him to return me to my own pack. 

The music outside has died down, people must be going home. My eyes are tired, it must be late by now. Finally, I decide it is time to emerge from this bathroom stall. Standing on wobbly legs, I push my way through the bathroom door and return to the ballroom. It is almost empty in here, only a few night owls remain chatting by the bar. 

Zane is nowhere in sight. I stumble my way across the dancefloor until I reach the main entrance to the ballroom. Will Evangeline come for me and take me back to my cell? 

I swing the large door open and make my way into the dark hallway. Lightning flashes white light through the hallway, giving off an eerie vibe. Chills creep their way onto my arms.

The hallway is empty, not a single soul in sight. It has grown deadly silent, the only sounds come from the endless rain pattering outside of the massive windows lining the other side of the hallway.

I follow the long rug to my left, I think this is the way I came from. 

My feet drag along the ground, crying from the tall heels they have been confined in. My head spins, I just wish to go to bed. 

Walking for miles, I finally realize how lost I am. I have no idea where Ellie's bedroom was.

"Evangeline?" I whisper into the darkness, hoping she will come to my rescue.

Wait, why do I want to be rescued? Zane obviously isn't looking for me. My heart rate speeds up as I realize nobody even knows where I am. I could slip past the doors up ahead and nobody would even know. What if Zane had already gone to bed?

Or better, what if Zane had found somebody to keep him occupied and he hadn't even noticed my absence. What if I am supposed to be back in my cage. He won't check until morning.

The room spins with my thoughts as I plan an escape. It is raining. Last time I almost froze.

Would I rather freeze in the cold, or stay here?

Freezing it is. My heart is like a rocket as I pick up the pace down the hallway towards the glass door to freedom.

I walk so fast, I am almost running. The door approaches me slowly, becoming closer and closer to my extended hand. I can taste the freedom. 

Checking behind me I see no one. The hallway is still silent. I wrap a hand around the cold doorknob, twisting it slowly. I crack the door open and am hit in the face with the cold misty air.

The rain is loud in my ears now, falling to the ground like bullets. Crisp air wraps around my body. 

I swing the door open, running out into the rain. Freedom is mine. 

Just as I take in a breath of fresh air, it all exits my body as an arm scoops my waist, pulling me back through the threshold. 

I am slammed against a hard wall, angry eyes meeting mine.

"Did you not learn last time I had to drag you back?" he demands, his questioning eyes are wide.

All I can do is let out a groan.

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