Chapter eight

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Zane didn't get his prize, even though he won the Brawl. 

But the way I see it, I am in charge, so I set the rules. Now he is locked back in his cage all alone to nurse his wounds. 

Normally I would feel bad, but we're talking about the man who literally ripped my mate to shreds. My hatred toward him would never give in on it's attempt to ruin the rest of his life. 

And I have all the time in the world to do so. Hell, he's going to be locked away in there until he takes his sorry dying breath and gallops into the faint white light that leads to hell. 

Still not feeling satisfied with how we left off, I make my way to my car. It is midnight by now, the moon is at it's peak in the night sky, gleaming brightly. Full moons make me itchy since Aiden passed. 

Because technically since I am widowed, I have lost my purpose in life. Most wolves who lose their mates go insane for revenge or just end their own life in misery. I'm doing neither. 

Well maybe the revenge part, but I'm not insane.

I have an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach though. Aiden was supposed to be my world. But in a month's time I'm back at work? 

I feel oddly normal.

Don't get me wrong, I still love and miss him, and I'm hell bent on getting vengeance for his death. But then what? 

After I make Zane suffer enough, what then? Work at a prison until I die? 

I pull into a parking spot on the side of the road, deep in thought. Slowly I wiggle my way out of the driver's seat. 

I make eye contact with the gas station next to my apartment complex and tilt my head. 

Light bulb.

Since I'm destined for failure in the love department, thank you moon goddess, I just need to try new things. I waltz into the gas station and look around the isles. 

Peanut butter cups... 

No I'm allergic to nuts. (Ironic I know.)

Maybe I should just buy some beer and become an alcoholic. 

My dad was an alcoholic, how boring. 

"Will this be all for you, Ma'am?" The cashier says, barely making eye contact with me. She is obviously a teenager, decorated with piercings all over her face and ears. She's texting on her phone. 

I give her a simple yes and be on my way. 

Running up to my apartment, I strangle to get the right key out and burst through the door. 

"New habits kill.." My mother had always said. And she was right. In my hands I held my first ever pack of cigarettes. 

Since I have nothing to actually live for, why hold back? Plus everybody I knew smoked cigarettes. They were cool...right? 

Shit.... I forgot to buy a lighter. 

Guess that scratches that off of the list of things to do tonight. 

I sulk my way into the bathroom, stripping of my armor and stepping into a steamy shower. 

Maybe I should dye my hair. I mean I already cut it so why not. 

No, no, that wont do anything. 

Feeling unaccomplished, I climb into bed and drift off to sleep.

I miss you Aiden.


Trees whip by as I stare out the window. We have been on this bus for what seems like years. A call this morning gathered up a group of The Guard to the Magic pack.

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