Chapter thirty five

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I burst through the doors, leaving the ballroom as fast as I can. Chilly winds hit my face as I am greeted with the forbidden outdoors. I am on a covered balcony overlooking the massive forest. Small lanterns hang from the balcony railing creating a beautiful glow. My heels click quietly as I approach the end of the balcony. I wrap both of my hands around the smooth stone balcony railing as I watch the storm. I take in the fresh scent of pine and wet soil. 

The trees are a dark collard green, the color barely visible through the darkness. The wind violently whips them back and forth as the rain mercilessly pours down on them in never ending sheets. The clouds are calm, though, with not a stray bit of lightning in sight. The wind blows my hair with it, threatening to freeze the ends. 

Thinking of Zane's words make my heart beat faster. Yes I do feel attracted to him lately, but it still feels wrong. He murdered Aiden. How could I possibly love him after that. I could eventually forgive him... But start a relationship? I came here to help his pack.

Then he made me Beta. 

He gave me daisies and danced with me. The way he looks into my eyes like I am the only woman he sees. His long black hair that hangs in his face, what it would feel like between my fingers. 

But I can't. It's not right.

My fate could not play out this way. I am not meant to end up with a murderer. Not an Alpha. A small tear falls from my eye as I watch the trees sway with the wind. The crisp air bites my arms, provoking goosebumps to form all over my skin. 

I'm not going to give in to his charm. He's playing me, he has to be. This is a form of revenge that he swore to me. He is a criminal. 

"Heidi." I hear soft words behind me. 

I turn around, my bottom lip quivering slightly from my emotions and from the cold air. My eyes flicker up to meet Zane's. He stands with a foot out of the doorway, concern littering all over his face. He holds the door open with his other hand, light streaking onto the dark lit balcony.

He lets the door go and walks a few paces towards me. I take a step back, my lips slightly parted. I quickly swipe the stray tear off of my cheek, turning to face my back to him. 

I feel his presence behind me, his eyes digging into the back of my head. 

"I will be inside in a minute." I bark out harshly to the wind. I hear his soft footstep approach me further until he is standing directly beside me. I see his fingers grip the railing next to mine. 

He lets out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry I upset you." 

I turn my head to meet his gaze, his eyes are solely on me. My bottom lip shakes like an earthquake as I try to utter words out. 

"You can't do that. Y-You can't just give me flowers, h-hold my hand and take me- make me Beta of your pack!" I stammer out, another tear falling from the corner of my wide eyes. 

His lips form a solid line as he diverts his gaze away from me, staring at the trees far in the distance. He takes a moment of silence as he processes my words. 

"I did it to make you happy, why don't you see that?" He grumbles out, meeting my gaze finally.

I furrow my eyebrows together, "Make me happy? You kidnapped me, you-you told me that you were going to spend your days trying to get revenge, you killed Aiden!" I hiss out, frantically gesturing my arms out as the tears break the barrier of my eyeballs, spilling freely. 

"Honestly it's nothing personal, darling," He shrugs, "At the time it just made sense." He narrows his eyes at me, "Then it's like as soon as you first came here, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I had these dreams, your face was burned into my mind. That's why I drew you so much. Then, you left." 

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