Chapter eighteen

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Large dark oak doors open as Evangeline releases my hand. I turn around to where she stood and she is walking down the hall, away from the party. 

Guess I have to do this alone. I take a deep breath, straightening my dress, and then I walk into the ballroom. 

There is a disco ball on the ceiling. Small circles of light dance around the room. Upbeat music blares into my ears, disorienting me from the dark sight in front of me. Everybody here is dressed formally, but dancing modernly to the music. 

The room is huge, filled with at least a hundred people, if not more. Tables of food line the back walls. I make a mental note to return there later. I make a slow path around the room, avoiding everybody I come near. Nobody seems to notice me, though, focusing only on the drinks in their hands and the music. 

I don't see Zane anywhere. 

I find my way to the bar. The bar tender makes drinks faster than a bullet train. It is fun to watch. 

"What to drink?" he yells through the music. My eyes widen, I didn't even notice he was talking to me until my eyes met with his silver ones. 

"Uh water please." I yell back. He nods and goes back to his vigorous pouring. 

He finally slides me a glass of red wine. I furrow my brows. 

"I didn't order this." I try to grab his attention. He ignores me, continuing his pouring. He pours shots, ten of them.

Standing in front of the bar is a few boys who take the shots as he pours them. They let out a howl as the liquid burns down their throats. 

I groan and grab the glass, taking a small sip. It is sweet on my tongue, gliding down my throat and warming my stomach. 

I guess this is fine. 

The song changes and the crowd goes wild. The song is familiar but nothing I know. The music I listen to isn't the mainstream bullshit that they have adapted from the Humans. 

I turn from the bar and run straight into someone. Red wine spills all over her white flowy dress. 

"I am so sorry." I mutter out, swiping my hand on her stomach as if it would make the liquid wipe off. I drag my eyes up to meet with hers. 

"It is fine, child." she smiles sweetly. 

My jaw drops to the floor. It is Atdaly. The Seeker from the Magic pack.

She then turns away and disappears into the crowd. 

What the.

I rush into the mass of people after her. I can only follow the white trail of her dress. Saying excuse me and sorry as I shove my way through the posh wolves. 

I finally glance her run into a door way and out of the ballroom. I can only fast walk in these heels, but I follow her trail. 

Pushing through the door I am in a bathroom. She stands in front of the mirror, examining her dress. I grab her shoulder, turning her around to face me. 

The red stain on her dress has disappeared completely. My eyes widen at the dry spot that was stained moments ago. 

"W-How?" I gape at the dress. 

She chuckles. Her eyes are silver now, almost white. 

"Nice to see you again, Heidi." She nods at me humbly. 

"What are you doing here?" Was the first of many questions to break through my lips. 

"I am everywhere." was her only reply. I furrow my eyebrows. How does that make sense? Didn't she die by a Terror pack member?

"What does that even mean?" I run a hand through my curly hair, trying to wrap my brain around what she is talking about. Is she crazy? Was she pretending to be in the Magic pack?

"My name is not Atdaly, I am Atropos." She breathes out. 

"Atropos...Like the?"

"I am one of the three Fates, yes." Her melodic voice fills the room. 

My head spins. The Fates are bad news. When they appear it means bad news. 

"Oh" was my only reply. Chills creep onto my arms, making my hairs stand up. 

"Don't worry, child, I am not bearing bad news." She giggles. 

"Is Aiden okay?" worry fills my voice. Is she here to tell me something happened in the afterlife? 


Ellie? Zane's mate? What does that have to do with me?


"Yes, she was made to dull the Alpha's rage. He has been cursed with a burning anger inside him." She informs me, sorrow is clear in her eyes. 

"But he murdered her, so I'm guessing she didn't do a very good job at dulling is rage." I say blankly. 

She shakes her head slowly, the motion so fluid. 

"He was not the one to take her life." 

"What?" I tilt my head in confusion. The stories of Ellie, everybody adored her. "Why are you telling me this?" 

"Your fate has been changed by my siblings and I." She declares. She reaches out to stroke a hand down my shoulder. Her touch is warm and full of love. 

"My fate?" My mouth opens slightly. 

She nods with a smile. 

"Would you like to know your fate?" She offers. 

Taking a step away from her, I look her up and down. There is no way she is a Fate. She looks so, normal... Her hair is slightly frizzy in the light of the bathroom. 

"Look lady... I really gotta get going." I say as I turn and high-tail it out of the bathroom. 

What was she talking about? My fate has changed? 

Greeting the party again, the music has stopped and the room is now brightly lit. Everybody stands still, staring up to the top of the staircase. 


He wears a finely tailored suit. Underneath is a black button up paired with a black tie. Alpha of Terror everybody. His black hair is brushed back and on top of his head he wears a gold... crown. 

This isn't just a party...

"Introducing...." A man at the top of the stairs announces, his voice booming into the mass of people. 

"The new Alpha of the Terror pack!" 

Everybody claps and cheers as Zane makes his slow descent down the stairs, his eyes gleaming in the lights. His shoulders are back as he walks proud. His shoes are black and shiny. He also wears black silk gloves. 

This is his coronation party. 

Zane is officially the new Alpha. 

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