Chapter forty five

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Ari's POV-

Midnight blue lights stream down the walls, coloring the dance floor. Wolves stick together like a wet t-shirt, grinding closely together. I survey the room, scanning every face for something different. It isn't hard to spot a fate, well, unless you know how to read their energy. The wolves all produce a light purple haze, signifying their bleeding mortality.

The club is littered with a few humans, their green tinted energy glimmering in the lights. My eyes finally fall on a booth tucked neatly into the wall. It has a large square table that is covered in a gold tablecloth.

Sitting pretty in the middle of the blue-cushioned booth is the man with the golden energy spilling out of his soul. His hair is swept into the sky and covered in golden glitter. His loud laughter radiates over the music as he chats with someone next to him.

"Lani, he's here." I grab her wrist, motioning my head towards him.

She drags her eyes away from her search, joining my subtle stare. I feel her fist ball slightly as she stands silent. My sister isn't one for quick forgiveness.

On queue, the man looks up from the table and locks his eyes with mine. I keep my expression dead, glaring back at him with the same intensity. The side of his mouth quirks up into a smirk before he toasts his drink to me. He brings the golden liquid to his lips and takes a hefty gulp. I watch him whisper something to the man sitting next to him before he excuses himself from the table.

As he makes his slow approach he brings his drink back to his lips, letting the rest of the golden liquid slide down his throat. I watch his adam's apple bob up and down with every gulp. His chest is bare from the three missing buttons from his white collared shirt. Tonight he really sports the look of a king: Golden jacket to match the glitter flecks that paint the ends of his hair. He wears a golden chain around his neck, the material so finely made that it in itself glitters in the dim lighting.

"My dearest sisters!" Cole greets us with a wide smile, extending out his arms to the side as if he was actually pleased to see us. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know exactly why we're here, Cole." Lani growls towards him, her finger jabbing into his chest, "We know you brought Jax back to the mortal world." Her words shoot daggers at him.

He tilts his head to the side at her finger, which is jammed into his freshly pressed jacket. He brings up his hand, delicately wrapping it around her finger.

"Now Lani," He coos, whipping his arm around to that her wrist twists all out of place, "You are going to have to be more clear about who this 'Jax' character is."

"Cut the act, brother. We know you brought him back, it's all a scheme to kill Zane. Did you honestly think you could go behind our backs, behind the Lunas' backs?"

"Then they should have had a backup plan, it is not my doing that the true alpha wants to claim the throne. The Lunas' just wanted Zane defeated, so I made their job easy." Cole shrugs it off, brushing past me and Lani. He makes his way over to a tall bar table. As soon as he sets his arm on the table, a new drink appears in his hand.

"It is not your job to wish death on others!" I cut in, slapping my hand on the table. If Cole takes it upon himself to cast away anyone who irritates him, he will upset the balance. My job is to decide when it is time for someone to perish.

Cole rolls his eyeballs into his head in deep annoyance, "Yes, mother."

"We are serious, Clotho." Ari butts in, stepping closer to him, "There has been a new vision. Under Zane's rule, the Terror pack will remain peaceful with the other packs."

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