Chapter forty seven

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Two days have passed. Zane has been very distant since the last kiss we have shared. It is evening now and my stomach has begun to churn thinking about Jax. He will be back soon to reclaim his supposed throne. The estate seems empty, dark clouds looming over but producing no rain. 

I muster up some energy and decide to go and confront Zane. He has not revealed any plans to me about how he is going to defeat his brother. I feel like he is avoiding me. 

I slide off of the small couch in one of the numerous living areas that I am seated in. My bare feet slowly make their way across the cold marble floors as I search the house for him. I make my way to his bedroom, but he is nowhere to be found. 

"Zane..." I call out gently into the hallway.

No answer. 

I let out a small sigh of frustration as I continue to search for him. 

It's not that I haven't laid eyes on him in two days, we have shared meals together. Zane has buried himself in pack meetings and I have kept busy with training our new army. We are expecting Jax to make his appearance tomorrow. Not knowing an exact time has put the entire pack on edge. There have been four guards constantly posted at the front gate of the estate ever since I escaped Cole's kidnapping. 

Maybe he is just worried. I told him about the arrow and my encounter with Lachesis, but Zane does not trust the fates with his life. His paranoia has caused him to believe that the arrow will actually empower Jax and allow him to get the upper hand on Zane. 

I finally reach Zane's large office. There is yellow light bleeding from a crack in the door, giving me a small glimpse of hope that I have finally located my mate.

I gently push the door ajar, knocking on the doorframe gently with my knuckles. 

A frown spreads across my face as I realize that the room is empty. 

"Looking for me?" I hear a melodic voice whisper in my ear sending chills down my spine. 

I slowly turn around and meet his dark chocolatey eyes. They are more of a cocoa today. I have noticed that this color usually means he is feeling playful.

I keep my face blank and try to focus on why I came. 

"You have been avoiding me."

He quirks an eyebrow at my blunt statement. 

"I have missed you too," He speaks gently, stepping closer towards me. He moved his lips towards my neck in an attempt to shut me up. 

I place both of my hands on his chest, holding him back. 

"Jax will be here soon. We need to figure out how we are going to defeat him." I state, resisting the urges I was having to just melt into him.

He freezes in place, pulling himself back to look me directly in the eyes. 

"There is no 'we'." he barks out, his face turning cold, "You will be guarded and out of harms way."

My lips part slightly. Is he seriously going to try and face his brother alone?

"No way in hell." I protest, my brows furrowing, "I will fight with you."

"No." He orders coldly. His tone is assertive and loveless. 

I push his hands away from me, bubbles of rage boiling inside of me. 

"Are you seriously that stubborn that you would rather die than stand a fighting chance with me by your side?" I exclaim, the volume of my voice rising. 

"I never said there was a choice in the matter, Heidi." He shakes his head. 

"Why? I can handle myself. I am not some porcelain doll that will shatter. I was the fucking head of the Guard back in the Pioneer pack." 

"Because I am scared you will die!" He screams out with fear piercing his dark eyes. 

My mouth locks shut at his sudden outburst. His eyes find the floor. 

I step closer to him and grab his hand. His eyes finally meet mine. 

"We will win this together. I promise." I say as I take another step towards him. 

He leans in and our lips crash together. A tender and loving kiss. Zane then wraps his arms around me, his fingers tangling in my hair. I let out a small moan between kisses. 

In an instant he hikes up my legs to carry me away. Our lips do not break contact as he leads me down the long hallways of his mansion. 

I finally hear him kick open a door, my body heating up in anticipation of what might happen next. I feel the darkness around me and get ready for him to throw me on the bed. 

I am ready for this. With Zane I do not feel ashamed on my body. I want him to see all of me. I want to feel his bare skin on mine. 

He gently sets me down on the bed, but to my surprise the mattress is not as comfortable as I thought it would be. 

I gently open my eyes as he releases me. I expect him to begin to remove his clothing but as soon as I notice where we are I freeze. 

He stands back up and makes his way for the door. 

"No!" I scream out, scrambling after him. 

The cell door clanks shut as soon as I reach it. I throw my arms through the bars, grabbing onto his shirt to pull him back in. 

"Let me out of here, Zane!" I screech, panic filling my bloodstream. 

His eyes are a deep sorrow brown as his expression turns grim. 

"This is the only way to keep you safe. I'm sorry." He sighs, turning his back to me. 

"Zane, no!" I scream out, pulling on the rusty bars of the cage that held me a lifetime ago. 

He begins to walk away, not daring to look back. 

"If you die I will never forgive you!" I bellow, tears overtaking me.

Those were the words that spilled out of my mouth as he shut the door.

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