Chapter twenty seven

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I tossed and turned, thinking about what had just happened. Zane wants my forgiveness. Why? The man who tore me away from my pack and swore his revenge on me. Are they even looking for me?

I am the head of The Guard.

I worry for my father mostly. I hadn't visited him for a month until I was kidnapped. He must have heard about it by now. He must be restless in that home.

Could I really forgive Zane? Jax had killed his mate, but he had killed mine. In cold blood. Aiden was my soulmate, you only ever get one.

A part of me wants to forgive him. I want to get to know him; understand him. Something inside me wants to stare into those dark orbs until I can read his soul. I want to understand his relentless rage.

My tired eyes finally close as I burrow deep into the soft plush comforter. My mind drifts to sleep, dreaming of all of the chaos that has become my life.

I finally open my eyes, and white light bleeds into my pupils. I squint, trying to make out my surroundings.

I am no longer in my bed, I am on the floor. I sit up, looking around me and seeing nothing. There is no floor, I am sitting on nothing but light. The white glow is all around me.

"Good, you haven't killed yourself yet." I hear a velvety voice chirp behind me.

I scramble to my feet, turning around to see the familiar Fate.

"Cole" I sputter out, stepping back.

He stands a few feet away from me, his dark clothing clashing with the bright surroundings. He wears a black button up shirt, the first three are undone revealing his smooth chest. His hands are shoved deep into his jean pockets.

He tilts his head to the side, studying me for a moment.

"Having second thoughts about ending it all?" He tilts up an eyebrow.

He's talking about Zane. About our encounter earlier. Was I having second thoughts? I had completely forgotten about the two vials of potion hidden in my nightstand. I remember his ultimatum. One would kill me, the other would give me immense strength to kill the Alpha.

"Chances are, the one I choose leads to death and you know that." I narrow my eyes at him. I am not here to play his games.

He playfully rolls his deep ocean eyes, approaching me slowly.

"It all works out in my favour," he takes a step closer, "You see, I need you for something." Another step closer until he is directly in front of me, our toes touching.

I take in a small breath, turning my head to the side slightly.

"Why me?"

He produces a melodic laugh which bounces off of the white surroundings and back into my ears.

"Not that you would understand, but my siblings and I have had a little spat," he brings his hand up, wrapping his long slender fingers around my chin, "and I need you to do something for me." an evil look twinkles in his eyes.

I take a step back, away from his grasp.

"What do you want from me?" My fingers begin to tremble. The Fates are dangerous entities who are only our for their own benefit.

A feline grin spreads across his face. His eyes darken and his forehead wrinkles at the top. A look that is attractive and terrifying at the same time.

"Feel like raising the dead?"

My heart almost stops. Raising the dead?

"Is that even possible? Who? How does this involve me?" So many questions sputter out of my mouth as I take another step away from him. I have nowhere to run. I am not even sure where I am.

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