Chapter fourteen

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Do you know those typical cliche stories where the girl wakes up in this perfect luscious bed. She flutters her pretty little eyes open and feels the silk sheets under her fingertips, taking in a fresh breath of her captors scent. She then discovers she is in his bedroom. She then jumps in the huge shower he has and then magically finds clothes that fit. Once she gets all styled to perfection she skips out to meet him and then they fall madly in love. 

Hell no. This is reality. 

In this moment, yes, it would be nice to wake up surrounded by silk. But when I first come back to consciousness, I don't even know if this is supposed to be a mattress. 

Waking up the first thing I feel is pain. My shoulder throbs where I was shot. I was shot. Zane shot me. Next I feel the pain in my head from the nasty wack with the arm rest in the car. Basically everything aches. 

And I don't flutter my eyes open either, no. Me waking up is more like waking up from drowning. I let out a little gasp. Okay it wasn't little. It was a very unattractive groan-cough thing. 

Rubbing my eyes I sit up. I was half sprawled on a "mattress" as thin as paper. The other half of my body, my head and chest, was graced with concrete floor while I slumbered. 

Looking around I am in a cell. 

I almost want to laugh. Is this his little plan? Lock me away just as I did him? What next, you gonna enter me in a Brawl?

I scoff at the thought of that monster. 

Looking down at myself (luckily) I am still in my armor. Still wearing my long pants, shoes, padded jacket, and gloves. 

At least he didn't try to strip me. But if he did peak..

"I'm gonna kill him." I breathe out into the darkness. 

There is only a dim light in the cell. The ceilings are tall and the bars are red and rusty. This cell must be old. The walls are made of stone. The whole area reeks of mold and dried blood. 

I hear a chuckle echo through the cell. 

I immediately stand to my feet, gripping the rusty bars. 

I can't see through the useless light above me. The shadows are deep, concealing a huge room outside of my temporary holding. 

"Just show yourself, dude." I bark out into the darkness, "this whole 'freak her out' thing isn't going to work."

In an instant he is in front of me. Wow he can run fast. 

"You should be kinder to me considering I pulled that little bullet out of your flesh." He growls, showing me his teeth. 

He stands directly in front of me, the bars are the only thing separating us. He wears slacks and a blazer. All black. What a shock. 

"But you were the one who put it there" I sneer. 

He smirks, "I could have let you die then and there"

"But you didn't" I counter. 

"Don't worry," he says pushing off of the bars. He now circles the cage I have been placed in. "Your death will come," He makes his circle to meet in front of me once again. 

He grabs the sleeve of my jacket, pulling me roughly into the bars. My head almost fits through the gap. But it doesn't, so now my headache is increasing against the pressure. 

His cold dark eyes stare into mine. He is angry. 

"But before, I will make sure you suffer." He growls. 

I want to roll my eyes. Like if you're going to kill me just do it. Waste of time to do the whole revenge scheme. I know I did it but I didn't talk so much about it. Like come on just shut up. 

"Yeah. You've said that like twice now." I scoff, not showing the fear hiding behind my eyes. 

He tilts his head, studying my face. Maybe he's wondering "omg how is she not scared of me??". I hope so. 

"You didn't tell me." his eyes jump from one of mine to the other and back. 

"Tell you what, that you're an ass?" 

He holds up a finger to me as a warning. "About my....rights".

My eyes drop to the floor. He's talking about his brother. 

"But you found out anyways." I say, my face showing no emotions. He cannot know I'm scared. I have to be a brick wall, cold and hard. 

"And now I'm stronger than I ever was." he purrs out, leaning towards me. I want to cower away, scramble to the other side of the cage where I am out of his reach. But I remain still. 

"Yeah, I get it, you're a big bad Alpha now." I roll my eyes. 

He slams his hands on the bars of the cell, making it rattle. I jump at the loud noise, raising my arms as protection.

He chuckles again. 

"You're lucky I have somewhere to be." He grits out. 

I lower my arms and he is gone, leaving me alone in the darkness. 

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