Chapter 15

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(( Niall's POV ))

One word can not describe how I feel. Maybe guilty, depressed, angry, or shitty. It's my fault Elena is in the hostpital with a concusion, a fractured rib on her left side, and cuts all over her body. And here I am with only minor cuts and bruises.

The car came from in front of us and hit us but had a bigger impact on the passenger's side. Therefore Elena got more of the hit. Harry is fine too, barely any injuries. Thank God we were all wearing our seatbelts or the outcome would be worse.

" Niall!!!" a familar voice called out disturbing my thoughts.

It was Liam running toward me with Louis and Zayn following behind.

" God damn it Niall what the hell happened? Are you ok? Where's Elena and Harry?"

"I'm fine. Harry is fine, he went to get water, but, but Elena. Oh Liam she is horrible. She has a concusion... fractured rib, cuts. There was so much blood!" I half whispered half shouted.

" Shh Shh. Niall everything is going to turn out ok. Elena will wake up and get healthy soon." Liam reassured me with a hug.

" Harry!" Louis shouted when Harry walked back to us.

The way he looked is the way I feel inside. I wonder if I look just as bad as him.

" Hey guys. Before you ask I'm ok but Elena. She is so hurt. The doctors havent said if she will wake up."

Just in time the doctor walked to us. " Hello boys. I am Doctor Davis and I'm taking care of Elena."

" Is she going to be ok?" Harry and I said at the same time.

Doctor Davis smiled and said " For now yes. She is still unconsious which is normally for what happpened to her. I estamiate she will wake up early morning or tomorrow afternoon."

A huge bolder was lifted off my shoulders. Just thinking she is going to be ok and we can get back to normal makes we wanna jump!

" Can we go see her?" Zayn spoke his first words since arriving here.

" Yes sir. She is in room 279 down that hallway and the first right. It's pretty close by."

"Thank you so much" I told him.

" Come on Niall." Liam grabbed me and we 4 walked to Elena's room.

Her room wasnt too far from the waiting room just like Doc said , and when we walked in it was dark.

" Should we turn on the lights?" Harry asked.

"Uh ya sure." I said distracted by Elena's condition. She was in those normal hospital gowns that all the patients wore, and her head was wrapped in some kind of wrapping for her injuries. I dont know what it is really callled. I decided to take a seat closest to the hospital bed. I grabbed ahold of her right hand and i instantly felt safe even if she was unconsious.

" When do you guys think she will wake up?" Harry said from the other side of the bed holding Elena's free hand.

That doesnt even make me mad at this point. I just want Elena back.

Louis decided to answer him " I dont know Harry. Hopefully in the morning or the afternoon just like the Doctor said. At least we know she will wake up right?"

" right." Harry murmered.


I woke up to shuffling close by my head. I look up to see someone on the bed moving around. Elena! I looked at the clock on the wall and it is 4:47 am.

"Harry get up.!" I whispered/shouted to him which woke up the other boys.

"What's going on." the 4 confused guys said.

"shhhhh." i told them

" oh my God someone get the doctor!" Harry said

Elena grumbled something but I couldn't hear.

" what was that babe?" I asked her

" ugh what happened? Why am I at the hospital?" Elena said trying to sit up.

" it's ok Elena lay back down and I'll explain everything to you."

The look she is giving me is freaking me out. It's pure confusion.

All she said was " oh."

"Elena do you know-" I was cut of

By Doctor David, who was still working the night shift."

" Elena. Great to see you awake. How do you feel?" Doc said

" Uhm fine... confused what, what happened? I'm sorry but I can't really remember much." She said

" That's fine. You were in a car crash with these two young men. May you tell me their names please." Davis said pointing to Harry and I.

" oh well uh let me think I'm totally guessing here but that's Harry." Elena smiled at Harry who immediately smiled brightly back.

" good good. What about him?" Doc gestured to me.

Elena gave me that confused look and said " oh God. I know, I know you but I just can't find a name to your face. I'm sorry I don't know who you are."

The silence in the room was so loud I wanted to scream. My heart is shattering right now I'm not even joking. How are we supposed to be happy again if Elena, the one I love and care for so much, can't even remember me?

My eyes started to water but I managed to say " Elena my name is Niall and I'm -"

"Niall!" The doctor interrupted me again. " you should come out with me. Actually all you boys come except for Harry" he took a step closer to Harry and whispered " Harry stay with Elena for now ok. Don't talk about the past just yet ok."

Once we got out of the room I was ready to let out all of my anger.

" why didn't you let me tell her who I was Doc?"

"Niall after what just happened I can see Elena is experiencing amnesia. It's minor because we know she remembers her name and some other small things. She is really confused right now and I think she has confused Harry as you by the way she was looking at him."

"So what you're saying is that Elena thinks Harry is her boyfriend?" Zayn asked.

" Technically yes, but we need to talk to her more before we make assumptions."

I'm speechless and not in a good way.

"Obviously Niall won't speak. So what do we do Doctor?" Louis asked.

" ok I need you guys to play along with whatever Elena thinks is true concerning everything and especially about Niall and Harry. Don't speak about the things you and Elena had Niall because that can confuse her more and mess up her recovery." He directed that to me.

"We want her to figure things out on her own. It is the best thing for her."


A/N ugh I know this chapter sucked but I wanted to update for Christmas but it has probably passed in many other countries. Big fail for me. :P I hope I didn't confuse you that much. Alright I'll try to update more this week and next week since I'm on holiday!!! <3 bye



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