Chapter 8

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LOL i found a couple of mistakes in the last chapter. Whoops. i wont be updating when I'm tired anymore! i apologise for any mistakes in this chapter. you might hate Harry, for the ones who like Elena and Niall together. haha alright here ya go....CHAPTER 8

~~~~~iN THE CAR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall's place is only 25 minutes away from the 'Coffee Factory'. I really hope he doesn't mind me coming earlier than i said i would.

I really wish Harry and I had a nice talk and drank some coffee, that would have been nice. I feel horrible about the incident that happened back there. I've only known Harry for a day, not even that, and he wants me to chose already. The thing that scares me is that Harry asked to chose him like we would be together forever.

I'm not the girl that believes in love at first sight, I mean it sounds like a beautiful thing, but I think you should get to know the person you like before making everything so official.

I do fancy Harry. I will admit that, but is it just a crush or a fling for him and is he just playing me? A lot of people think of him as a 'Man whore' and i totally get why, but talking to him today he seemed like a totally different person than who we see on magazines and on the TV. I guess I'm just scared.

Harry is a very handsome, caring, and cheeky boy but then there is Niall. The sweet Irish blonde boy that is so care free and makes me feel so comfortable. If i had the chance to be with one of them I would chose------

Bing bing bing (((:P )))))

My phone interrupted my thoughts. I stopped at the next red light and quickly checked my phone. There were just a bunch of notifications from Twitter and text from Niall. I couldn't respond back, I was driving. Texting and driving is very irresponsible, so i put my phone back and kept driving. In no time i made it to Niall's apartment.

" Wow. Looks like a mansion not an apartment". I said aloud while coming out of the car.

I walked up to the door and knocked. Not even 2 seconds later Niall answers the door.

"Elena! You are here early." Niall said with a smile.

" I know I'm sorry, i was just in the neighborhood and i thought i would come since I was so close by."

"Right, by neighborhood you mean Coffee Factory about half an hour away." Niall said while leading me into his house.

" Uhmmm..." I ducked my head, how the hell did we know this. Is he James Bond or something?

" Haha. It's fine. I was online and pictures of you and Harry were everywhere. Did you know that you are now "Harry Styles's new young mystery lady" Interesting name huh? You aren't even younger then him. You're 18. I couldn't help but notice that you didn't seem to happy in the photos." Niall stated

" I know it--" and i explained everything that happened. I was so overwhelmed with everything that i started crying. I'm such a wimp. I tried stopping because i knew Niall didn't like it when people cried.

" Shhh, shhh, shhh. It's alright Elena. Harry just wants that reassurance that you are his. Harry does like a chase, but not if there is another guy involved. That guy being me. He practially wanted to start a fight in da morning but i walked away. I'm not a violent lad y'know?"

" i know. It has been a crazy morning. Especially with all the hate online. I wonder what they will say on Monday at school?" I sighed, not wanting to know the things Maddie would do. I might have stood up to her, but i am scared of her a bit. I'm ashamed to admit that

" Do you really care what those cu*ts think?!?!" Niall asked .

" Not what they think, but what they will do. The people at my school aren't the jolliest of people."

" I can protect you if they ever lay a finger on you. No one hurts my princes-- my friend emotionally or physically!"

Ouch. He didn't finish the word Princess.

Niall grabbed my chin and positioned my head so that i would look at him. He must have realized i was hurt because of what he failed to say.

" Elena..." Niall said

" Ya Niall?"

" Tell me if you want me to stop." And NIall started to lean in.

I tensed , but Niall slowly kept leaning in. Here i am, just sitting here, while Niall Horan is about to kiss me. I went for it. I started to lean in too. Are lips barely touched before someone opened the door and ran inside.

" Elena! Wait." Shouted a deep voice. It was obviously Harry. I would recognize that voice anywhere. He was out of breath like he ran all the way over here.

I leaned away from Niall and went up to Harry. Niall looked pissed but didn't say anything. "What's wrong Harry?" I asked

Instead of Harry answering my question, he grabbed my face and.....

:c what just happened? Oh my god. I dont even know. If this is a cliffhanger, I am deeply sorry. I am. That was fun though. The ALMOST moment between Niall and Elena was super cute! ahhh! sorry if you are mad at Harry, i kinda am. I think i made Harry a lot more desperate than he is in real life but whatever, its my story. I'm babbling. sorry if it is short :P ok please leave comments below! thanks for reading. LOVE, andrea.xxxxx

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