Chapter 12

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chapter 12<3  leggo

(((( 3 weeks later))))

Niall and I have been dating for a little over 3 weeks now. Everything has been going well. The boys had to leave New York for 2 weeks to keep promoting Up all Night. They left 8 days after my 1st date with Niall.

Long distance relationships are hard but Niall and i got through it. We call each other everyday no matter the time difference. Even The fans were starting to like me, not all of them but a good majority of them did. Most were just happy that Niall was happy, and that Harry was still single.

I got a lot of hate online and especially at school, and i know even more is to come because Niall and the lads are coming back to New York tomorrow........


" Elena today is the big day." Lali says to me while taking her seat next to me in our 5th period English class.

" Yes I'm so excited!" I say to her with a huge smile on my face

It's been at least 3 weeks since I've seen Niall and I miss him terribly. Even though we haven't been dating for a long time I'm crazy in love with him. I think he feels the same but it's hard to know when we are miles away from each other.

I don't know how long Niall and the lads will be in New York this time, but I wont waste any of it. The time Niall is here, will be the time we establish what our relationship really is.

"Elena!!!" I snapped out of my thoughts to see a very angry Mr. Fain glaring at me.

" Yes..." I said. Everyone in the class was giggling but i didn't care.

" I asked you if you finished your essay on Shakespeare."

" Oh, yes I did Mr. Fain. Here it is." I handed him my paper.

I probably failed, I have been so distracted because of Niall coming. Although I can't blame it all on him, I just haven't been as focused as I was in the beginning of the year for some reason. I also haven't been putting any effort on all my school work, which is no good since this is my senior year and it is mid May and I get out June. I have to be focused for when my SATs come up or I'll be screwed.

~~~~~~~~~~~ after school

" Elenurrr wait up!!!" Lali shouted at me. She just wouldn't let me out of her sight these days.

" Lali I have to go meet Niall at the airport I'll call you later."

" ok fine but if you don't --" Lali stopped talking and was looking behind me.

I turned around to see Maddie and her clique of bitches walking towards us.

" just what I need' I muttered to myself

" Hey Elena. You meeting Niall today?" Maddie asked as if she didn't already know. The whole school was talking about it which was really annoying.

" As a matter of fact I am and I'm late. Goodbye" I said to her and waved goodbye to Lali.

" Bye Elena have fun" Maddie told me with a "smile"

What's up with her today? Whatever I don't have time for that. I'm going to drive to the airport to see my boyfriend and I'm shaking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ airport~~~~~~~~~~~

I was prepared to see some fans at the airport because i knew how Directioners were, I mean I was one of them still am just not as obsessed, but there hundreds of them inside the airport and outside waiting to catch a glimpse of their idols.

I parked my car, pulled my hood over my head, and got out of my car.

" ELENAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a bunch of fans screamed my name!

Wow how did they noticed me right away? I walked up to the front entrance and manged to get in without a bodyguard.

The whole inside of the airport was more packed then it was outside. You could see a bunch of girls holding up signs that said " WELCOME BACK TO NY BOYS!" or something like that.

I talked to 1 of the ladies in the front and told her who I was.  She didn't believe me when I told her I was 'Niall Horan's Girlfriend' so I had to show her some of my texts with Niall, which was embarrassing. After 10 minutes she believed me and brought me closer to where the boys were supposed to exit from.

A couple of the girls around me tried to start a conversation but i just smiled at them and looked away. I just wanted to see Niall, and I was getting impatient.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" the tall girl next to me screamed her ass off! She must have seen the boys!

I cant see anything because I'm short ( well 5'5 but i still cant see)

" LADIES!!! Please make some room for the boys. No pictures, no autographs , no nothing. Sorry!" shouted Paul. I could see him and I waved my hands hoping he would see me so i could go see my Niall.

" Please move aside miss." said Paul to me.

" Paul! It's me, Elena!!" I shouted to him, hoping he could hear me through all the screams

Once Paul took a good look at me he smiled and pulled me so I was in the middle so everyone could see me.

First Liam saw me, he gave me a huge smile and patted my shoulder while he walked by. Second Zayn, he waved at me and pointed behind me and mouthed " He's so excited to see you" i think that is what he said. Then Louis came, he ran up to me and gave me a bear hug like he always does. Harry was with Louis but he didn't give me any eye contact. Ouch. But then i laid my eyes on the most beautiful blonde haired boy.

Niall, my world, my everything was standing 6 feet away from me. I am just standing here like an idiot and so is Niall. I took 1 step forward but before i knew it, I was already in Niall's arm. Wow that boy can run.

" Elena I missed you so much." Niall's Irish accent filled my ear.

" Oh my God I missed you too Niall. I cant believe you are really here." I said to him with teary eyes.

" Don't cry love, this is a happy moment."

" I know, and I am happy."

" Me too." Niall bent his head down and kissed me. It was a short kiss but still full of passion.

I wanted the kiss to be longer but that can't happen with a bunch of girls screaming at you.

" Come on babe let's go ." Niall grabbed my hand and we made our way to the car waiting in the parking lot.

" Oh Niall I have my own car, I can meet you at home if you would like." I told Niall

" I would not like that . I will have someone drive it back to your place. I just got you back and I'm not gonna let you leave my arms for a while."

" I like the sound of that" I smiled at Niall. The whole ride to their hotel, which wasn't far from my place, was very peaceful. The other boy were quiet and let Niall and I have time alone.

Of course the only one not happy was Harry. I caught him staring at me a couple times.

It looks like I still have some unsolved problems with that boy.

BLAHHHH!! Worst chappie ever! I'm sorry I just really wanted to update before i Go on a little vacation on Wednesday . Yup i am leaving the comfort of my home on Liam's birthday when i could be in my cave expressing all my feelings to him . el oh el. and school starts next tuesday!! FML and i was getting to the really really really good part of the story! i wish summer could be longer!! We probably wont see each other much during the school year cause i know i will be super busy...ugh... anyways i will try to update 1 more time before i leave on Wednesday. kbye ily

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