Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I feel bad that i havent given you a visual of Elena. I dont even know, I just imagine her in different ways. until I find the perfect Elena, just imagine Elena as you or someone:) sound good? I'm writing this in celebration of Liam's 2nd kidney working again. So happy for that kid. There's a video on the side that you should watch during the part i tell you too or after if you cant read and listen to something else at the same time. It is called Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran .Yea so that song inspired this chapter a bit. And it's my fav song at the moment. and if it doesnt work just youtube it please :) enjoy

Elena's POV

I've been to Central Park millions of times, but today's visit was more special. I was walking around Central Park hand in hand with Niall Horan. Just holding his hand makes me feel all good inside.

Right after we left Niall's place we drove to the park, and now we are just walking around. Niether of us has spoken a word. I was fine with it though, it wasnt awkward or anything, we were just enjoying the peace and quite because i think we both know that some people will notice Niall, and ruin our walk.

" I'm glad you choosed me y'know?" Niall said with a grin.

" Me too babe." I smiled at him.

" So Elena, is this our first date?"

" Well, you didn't properly ask me, but i guess so."

" I know I'm sorry. Maybe this shouldn't be our first date. I mean you deserve a much better 1st date than a walk around a park that you probably have been to a thousand times."Niall said with a sad expression.

I stopped in our tracks, suprising Niall a bit. " Niall James Horan. I have been to this park many times but it never meant anything to me. Today is so much more special and wonderful because i am here with you. Never think i deserve more because in reality more is just having you with me. So i already have more than I will ever need."

Niall just stood their smiling a mile a minute at me. " Elena. You have no idea how much that means to me. I know we just met but I feel like you might be the one. You might be the girl I have been waiting for and this might be a lot to take in on our 1St date, but i dont care. As long as you know I will always be their for you. "


The rest of our date was lovely. We went to get some hot dogs, fed some ducks, and walked some more around the park.

" Elena! Do you want a balloon?" Niall asked very excited. We walked by a balloon stand and Niall was so happy. I wasnt sure if he wanted the balloon for himself or for me. I smiled and nodded.

" Hello. Balloons are $3 each" said the man at the cart.

" What color do you want Elena?"

" Uhm. How bout blue?" I said not really caring what color."

" Alright 1 blue balloon please." NIall said to the man.

The way he said it was adorable because of his Irish accent.

" Here ya go babe." Niall handed me the balloon.

" haha thanks niall. Hey do you want to go see my favorite place at this park? It is close by." I asked

" Yea!"

I led Niall to my secret spot that i found when i was a kid. By the time we got there it was already started to get darker. I hope we dont miss the sunset.

" Taadaa!" i Said showing off the amazing view. This spot has always been my favorite because if you came at the right time you would have a wonderful view of the sunset.

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