Chapter 4

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hellur guys! i guess you can call this chapter a filler. there are some things i need to clear up, so here we go! ENJOY! remember it is all in Elena's POV and is fiction! lol ;)

"New York is such a beautiful place." Niall said, while we were walking out to find Lali and the other boys. We were walking pretty slow, just enjoying the time alone.

"Yes, i like it here. I love visiting Times Square on New Years' Eve, it can get hectic though. So how long are you and the boys staying here?" i asked

"I'm not sure. We are going to be recording some new music, and i dont know how long that will take. But hopefully long enough so i can see you more often."

"Haha, that would be nice."

"I see Harry fancies you a bit, I see why, do you fancy him too?"

"uhm, Harry seems like a great guy, and i would love to get to know him better, but I dont think I see him as a boyfriend for me." I said, not sure if what i just said was completely true.

" Good! I mean, it's just that it looked like you liked him too."

" I don't think so." while i said this I heard footsteps run behind us. Oh no.

"Oh look there are the other boys with Lali!" Niall said.

I looked back and I saw some brown curls walk into a room not that far from us. "Uhm, go on ahead i need to go do something. I left before Niall could say anything back.

I walked into the room saying "Harry?"

Harry looked startled, " OH elena, do you need something?" he said in a harsh tone.

"Have i upset you? If i have i am soo sorry, i never meant to-"

"Elena its fine, it's just that, it hurt me when you said you dont see me as a boyfriend for you, because I see you like you could be my girlfriend."

Talk about awkward, "Harry it's not that i dont see you as boyfriend material, it is just that i am not really loooking for anyone at the moment. i would rather get to know you more before i make a decision."

"Ok, but just know that i will be fighting for you, if it comes down to that. You are just...different and i will fight to have you"

"it wont come down to that babe." i said, hoping this was true. i was never the girl to be fought over for. I've only had 2 boyfriends in the past and they turned out to be complete jerks. end of story for them.

"We'll see" harry said, as if he knew something i didnt.

knock knock "Elena? it is almost time for the show." Niall said while he was walking in.

"We should all get going, you wouldnt want to get bad seats would you Elena?" Harry practically shouted, changing the mood between him and I.

Harry rushed out the door, pushing Niall out of his way.

"Geesh, what's his deal" Niall said, pissed at Harry.

" I dont know." was all I said

"Come on love, lets go get you and Lali some good seats." niall said while leading me outside to the school's auditorioum.

oh snap, things just got really awkward for Harry and Elena! I wonder how the little concert is going to go? i probably gave you more questions than answers, sorry if i did. dont worry, thinking of posting chapter 5 tonight too. ok thanks for reading. love you lots. -andrea xx

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