Chapter 7

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Im back!! ok i know, i know i am the worst updater ever! and i am sorry. i started writing the new chapter like the day after but i got stuck. but i finished it on my phone today so not sure how long it is.  enjoy.xx


Text: uhm sure. Which coffee  shop?

Harry: Coffee Factory the one by Harper Street, right?

Me: Yea. Ok let me just get ready and i'll be right there.

Harry: sounds good. see you there love.xx

Ufff he called me love.

~~~~~30 minutes later at the coffee shop~~~~~ ( Elena drove there in her black Nissan altima ;)

"Elena. Over here."  a man said with a gray hoddie.

I walked to him, I'm pretty sure it is Harry. He probably didn't want to get noticed by paparazzi and fans. There actually wasn't many paps or fans here, just the 15 ish people in the shop itself.

"Harry?" I whisper.

" Yea. Hey Elena." said Harry.

" Hi. So you wanted to talk?"

" I just wanted to say how sorry I am for acting so immature last night at the concert."

" It's fi-"

" No its not ! I've seen the hate you have been getting on all the social networks, and it has only been 1 day. I feel so horrible. I wanted to say something on twitter but i thought it would only make things worse."

 I reach out and grab his hand " Harry I'm honestly fine. I don't care about those people. The only person I feel hates me is you, and Niall of course. I feel like I have ruined something between you and him...and.." I feel a teardrop fall down my cheek.

Harry reaches his hand up to wipe away the tear.

I wish we were somewhere private. I would feel so much more comfortable .

I sniff but ask him " Have you talked to Niall at all today?"

" NO. I don't want to talk to him at the moment." Harry says stiffly

" But why Harry? He hasn't done anything wrong."

" Yea he has. He has done the worst thing he could possible do to me...fall for the girl I'm head over heels for."

" To be completely fair Haz, Niall did meet me first." It came out barely a whisper

Right after those words slipped my mouth, i knew it was a bad idea. Harry sat up and said " So you think just because he met you first that you have to be with him?!?! We didn't call dibs Elena!  You have a choice you know, and i want to know what that choice is NOW!

" Harry you are being dramatic." he really was and it was freaking me out a bit.

Harry calmed down a bit and said politely " Please tell me Elena."

It was time for me to get all 'Teen Drama on him' " I DON'T KNOW!!" I screamed forgetting about all the other people in the cafe.

Harry just sat there, waiting for the answer he wanted to hear. I don't know though. I wanted to talk to Niall.

" I have to go. promised Niall i would go talk to him"

" I'll call you later Harry, i promise. And maybe by then i will have an answer."

I turned away from Harry, the boy i just hurt.

I exited the cafe to not only be bombarded by the paps and fans, all asking questions. I covered my face and tuned everyone out. I walked to my car and got in. We didn't even order coffee. I still had an hour before i was expected to go to Niall's flat. Maybe he wouldn't mind I came early.

so i was excited for this chapter but then i re read and now I'm like. " eww no bad chappie" im so picky on my work. any who i hope you liked it. haha i felt like Stephanie Meyer (yknow with the whole 'who are you gonna chose' thing ) lol no? not my best :P i already have an idea for chapter 8 so it should be up by tomorrow. i know i say this a lot but I PROMISE! ok tell me what you think. thanks for reading btw.

Love, andrea

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