Chapter 13

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Sup mofos!!! long time no see xD now go on and read chapter 13 YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO

" But I don't want you to go." Niall said to me.

" Babe I don't want to go to school and waste my Friday there either. I rather be with, but i have to go." I've been telling Nialler this for the past hour as i was getting ready at his hotel room. I was really lucky that Lou (( the boys' hair stylist )) had some extra clothes for me to borrow since i didn't bring any with me.Typical Elena.

" So why Don't ya just skip class for today?" Niall practically begged.

" Oh Nialler, I know I'm a total badass and all but just not today. Come on, you going to take me to school?"

" Yea. Let's go." Niall said with a pout.

We walked out of the room when we crossed paths with a special curly head.

" Hey Elena.. so .. uhm.. you going to school today?" Harry asked awkwardly

I smiled " Yup. Why wouldn't I?"

" Well I just thought that.. since .. Niall came back you would.. stay .. with... him." wow Harry talked so slow

" I would stay but these are my last weeks of high school and I can't miss." I explained to Harry.

" Come on Elena you are gonna be late." Niall said. I didn't realize that he was practically killing Harry in his mind. Harry and him were still on bad terms.

" Kay. Bye Haz."


We arrived at school and NIall whispered in my ear, " Have a good day love."

That gave me butterflies in my stomach, and i automatically wrapped my arms around his neck and placed his lips on mine. Niall seemed to expect this and reacted in an instant.

We got extremely close to each other without really knowing. Everything we do to become close to each is so easy now. It's like picking up a feather, it's light and feels like nothing but it's really everything. Niall means so much to me and we've only been together for a while, but it already feels like a lifetime.

" GET A ROOM!!!!" A guy shouted out .

and our moment is ruined.

" Bye Niall. I love you." I said giving him a peck on his cheek.

When i got out of the car everyone was starring. I looked down and began walking.

Why couldn't everyone get a life.


So pretty much the whole day went on like this: I would walk/exit a classroom and 40 ish pairs of eyeballs would stare at me, I would walk by a group of girls and automatically hear them saying my name and how i wasn't pretty or good enough to be dating someone famous. Also people kept cornering me and following me around which was ANNOYING. Some people even wanted pictures and all that jazz. So I decide to leave school 2 classes earlier. I couldn't take all that shit.

Thank god it's the weekend for me now.

" Elena!! What are you doing here so early?" Liam said when i walked into what I thought was Niall's hotel room?

" I decided to leave school early because of ..stuff. Um I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing in Niall's room?"

" OH right. sorry. It's just that Harry and Zayn were arguing again and it tends to be quite agitating at times."

" Why were they fighting?" I asked even though i knew the answer.

" ... Oh just the same old same old." LIam gave me an apologetic look and went on playing his video game.

I walked over to Harry's room, i think, and knocked on the door.

" Go away!" Harry shouted

I was hesitant to say it was me but i really should talk to him. " Harry it's me Elena. Can i please come in?"

no answer all i heard were footsteps running around the room. After what i thought was 15 minutes ( I'm pretty impatient at times) Harry finally opened the door wearing a long sleeve sweater when it was efffin hot outside.

" Hey haz. aren't you hot in that?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably " Nope. Come in."

" OK Harry i think we should talk again. I mean if you want to let some things out you can tell me. I wont be hurt.'

Harry said nothing. He was just sitting on the bed looking more sad than normal. I went to sit next to him and held both his hands.

I played with his hands for a while and i saw that his hands were sweaty so i decided to roll up his sleeves to find a horrible discovery.


" Harry oh my god what happened.?!??" You could see old and freshly new cuts on his wrists.

Harry pulled away and started crying. " Elena I'm so sorry i just couldn't bare you not wanting me and NIall hating me and on top of that Zayn always on my back.. I.. I'

" Harry shhh.. just come here.' I grabbed harry and hugged him. I hugged him hard and long enough to show him that i cared and loved him so much because i do. Harry means a lot to me, he might not know that i really do like him and i didn't know until now.

Finding out my friend was cutting himself hurt me to the bone. I don't know what else to do but just be there with him.

I pulled Harry's face out of my neck so his beautiful green eyes could look into mine. " Harry I love you, so many others do, I'm so sorry I did this to you. please stop doing this."

" Elena stop!!! Don't say you love me when you obviously don't!!" Harry started to get up from the bed.

" Harry wait!" i didn't know how else to show him i loved and cared for him more than i should so i just kissed him. I didn't exactly feel the same way i did like i do when i kiss Niall, but something was there. I couldn't hide it to myself anymore.

Harry was so shocked i was kissing him he didnt respond for a minute but then did and we kissed or snog you could say, for what felt like an hour. I wanted to push away so bad but knowing how much i have already hurt this boy, another sign of rejection would send him over the top.

Harry finally pulled away and said " That is probably the last time we do this right? That is fine Elena at least I know you love and have feelings for me. I wont tell anyone i promise. And i also promise i will stop hurting myself."

I couldn't say anything more. I just nodded and hugged him and cried for a little while more.

I cant believe all of this happened in one day. After today I'm even more confused than I was before.

A/N : haha Hiiiiiiii so i'm sorry i havent updated in like a month :/ i've been ridiculously busy with school slash i dont even know how i am uploading right now... okayyyy so i hope you liked this chapter i didnt expect it to come to this honestly idek.... not sure if this will mess up my plot but we'll see xD okidoke i will update when i can again haha btw follow me on twitter @ofcoursenarry and @1Dunbounded mwahhh byeeeee love andrea, :) xxx

P.S. if you are having trouble with self injury feel free to inbox me or chat with me, I am alway here for you guys because i love you and i know what you are going through, trust me :') STAY STRONG MY LOVES

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