Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 already and it is still only Saturday night...I'm confusing myself with this story :( Sorry for any mistakes anywho I couldnt sleep last night so i wrote this...

Elena's POV

Harry's lips, breathe, his whole body smelled like alcohol. I absolutely hate it, so why am I not stopping the kiss? I really am trying to push Harry away but he is so strong.

Harry had me pinned on the bed very well and he started to kiss my neck and left lovebites. He then grabbed at my shirt and started pulling it upward. I'm really alert now!

" Harry stop!" I yelled at him trying to get out from under him. No way was I going to let him take it this far.

"Shhh we don't have to tell Niall' Whispered harry with his seductive voice

"Don't have to tell Niall what?" an Irish voice asked as he walked through the door.

I pushed Harry off of me and went to Niall's side. Niall pulled me into a hug.

" What hell were you thinking Styles?!?" he shouted at Harry. He was really pissed. His face was getting all red and it was scaring me.

" Niall he's drunk he didn't know what he was doing" I said trying to calm my Niall down.

" You don't need to defend him Elena. What he was doing was wrong."

" I know but-"

" Whoa what's going on in here?" Liam interrupted us.

All 5 boys were in the room but Harry was already passed out on the bed.

" Zayn I tried but I couldn't think of anything to do.." I told Zayn. I really don't want him to be disappointed in me again. I always thought that Liam was the more protective of everyone, but it seems that Zayn cares so much for his best mates that he doesn't want them to get hurt. I respect him for that.

" No worries Elena I just thought it might help but it's fine. It will all work out soon." Zayn said back to me. I was so relieved that he wasn't too mad at me.

Louis sighed loudly " Now what?" He was definitely the most mad at me because i made his Hazza cry.

" We leave Harry alone. He will get over it someday" Niall answered and took my hand and led me back to the living room.

Niall sat down on the couch and patted the empty space by him, clearly wanting me to go sit with him. I smiled but said, " I'm sorry nialler but i should probably get home. It's getting late" It was almost midnight , my mom is going to be pissed. Oh who am i kidding she probably didn't even noticed my absence.

" Awwwww... ok babe. Do you want me to drive you home?" Niall asked.

" No I have my car. Thanks though"

" I had such an amazing day with you Elena." NIall told me while walking me to my car.

" so did i Niall. Best date ever."

we got to my car and Niall gave me one last hug. " Goodnight babe. Drive safe okay?"

" I will Niall. Good night. " i went on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss. It was just a peck but Niall reacted quickly to it and made it more passionate. I pulled away.

" Goodbye Nialler. Tell the others i said bye too" I winked at him and got into my car

I looked at my rear view mirror and saw Niall waving good bye to me. What a sweet heart.

Today was such an amazing day. The whole Harry incident isn't going to ruin my mood though even if i did cause him a lot pain. I promise I will fix it soon.

I've only known Niall for 2 days now and I was completely head over heels for him. I think i loved him, but i wouldn't be telling him that soon.

Once i made it back home i went straight to my room. it looks like my mom wasn't here.

I was all snuggled up in my bed when i got a new text message. " Ugh who is texting me at 12:30 in the morning" I said aloud

Text Message from Nialler: Hey Elena, just wanted to make sure you got home safe. and i wanted to say goodnight. Sweet dreams my love xx

Text message to Nialler: How sweet. Yea I made it home safe. Thanks for asking Goodnight babe :* x

I sighed with happiness and let myself fall asleep.

((((( END OF CHAPTER 11))))**** keep reading for a preview of next chapter if u want :)


Preview of Chapter 12 ;) dont have to read but you should

(( 3 weeks later It is Thursday))

Niall and I have been dating for a little over 3 weeks now. Everything has been going well. The boys had to leave New York for 2 weeks to keep promoting Up all Night. They left 8 days after my 1st date with Niall.

Long distance relationships are hard but Niall and i got through it. We called each other everyday no matter the time difference. Even The fans were starting to like me, not all of them but a good majority of them did. Most were just happy that Niall was happy, and that Harry was still single.

I got a lot of hate online and especially at school, and i know even more is to come because Niall and the lads are coming back to New York tomorrow........


DUH DUH DUNNNNNNN So there you have it chapter 11 and a little preview to chapter 12 i couldnt just leave it at the end of chapter 11 i dont know it didnt feel right for me. So i might , might now upload tomorrow! i am babysitting so i'll be busy.

i hope the little preview didnt confuse you cus it made sense for idk. ok urmmm comment please i really need feedback i'm not sure if this story is all tha good.

thanks for fanning btw i love you :*

oh and i'm thinking of doing a bromance fan fiction, so look out for that.

ok thanks for reading bye

love you lots- andrea xxxx

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