I Was Kidnapped By Vampires 16

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Slowly the door opened, my eyes opened wide with fear. The door completely opened revealing Eric. I let out a sigh of relief.

''The prince sent me'' he began ''I have to help you dress for your wedding''

''Oh, okay, Jesse please leave'' I said. He got up, kissed me on the lips and left the room. Eric turned to me and smiled.

''Here is your dress'' he said, taking out a long black gown, covered with a plastic bag so it doesn't get dirty. He helped me slip it on. It wasn't a big puffy dress like in fairy tales, it was tight on the top and when it comes to my knees it's loose.He opened a shoe box, revealing two black high heals crested with diamonds. Well, ad lest there is something white! I slipped them on and chose some jewelry to go with it. Eric called a maid, to help me do my hair and make-up. She curled my long hair and gently deposed the tiara on my head and started with the make-up, some eye liner, very light eye shadow, mascara and of black lipstick. Cool, I should buy some! One I was done and the maid and Eric left the room, I stayed there, in front of my mirror. I signed and covered my face with the black veil.

''Let's get this over with'' I thought to myself. There was a knock on the door, I stood and slowly walked to the door, with my dress flowing behind me. Adam was there wearing a tux.

''Are you ready?'' he asked and brought his arm to mine. I gladly took it and nodded. He led me down the stairs and we were in front of the big french doors. The same ones as the first day I was here. The king was waiting there, I guess he was going to lead me down the aisle. We crossed our arms and Adam and Kevin opened the grand doors. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at me, they were all very pale, they were all vampires! I was pretty glad they couldn't see my face, well ad least for now. Soon we reached the end of the aisle. The king untangled his arm from mine and I took Christopher's arm. We walked up a few steps and we were in front of the priest. The ceremony had began.

''Blah! Blah!Blah! Fat old guy talking'' I thought to myself. from the corner of my eye I could see Jesse trying not to laugh. okay . . . oh yeah he can read my mind. Soon enough we reached to the ring exchange. Christopher pulled out a ring and carefully slipped it on my gloved finger. While saying:

"I, Prince Christopher Von Blood, take you, Princess Mary Smith, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

Then it was my turn:

"I, Princess Mary Smith, take you,Prince Christopher Von Blood, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." while I said this I had my fingers crossed... you know which means that you are lying. The exchange of blood...shit I hate that. The priest handed Christopher a little dagger and ripped open his wrist and handed it to me, I pretended that I didn't know anything about this and opened my eyes wide with fear. Eventually, I had to do it so I grabbed it and pulled off my black glove, placed it on my other  wrist so the one I used with Jesse won't show. I felt the cold metal ripping my skin open and a warm liquid leak out. We crossed arms and drank each others blood.

''I may now pronounce you two, king and queen, husband and wife'' the priest said. Christopher pulled me into a kiss. Everyone started to cheer, his lips turned into a smile and he let go of me. The king removed his crown and placed it on Christopher's, long black hair. His piercing red eyes, glared into mine. He walked toward me and gently took my tiara off causing my veil to fall to the ground, revealing my face. He turned around to Jesse who was holding a red silk pillow with a golden crown with flowers on it. He took the crown and placed it on my head. He took my hand and lead me out of the room. I went to my room and saw Anastasia sleeping. Beforethe wedding, Jesse and I talked about running away together. I took out a green suitcase and threw some clothes in there, a few under garments, simple dresses, some shoes and jewelery. I also packed some clothes for little Anya. When I was satisfied I started to close my suit case, when my fake husband walked in.

''What on earth are you doing, my love?'' he asked shocked. Just great! now I have to think of another lie!

''Oh didn't i tell you pumpkin? *shudder* ''I bought some cruise tickets to the Caribbean for our honey moon'' I said

''Oh aren't you sweet'' he said with a smile and left the room. WTF? can't this guy read minds. Jesse came in:

''No he can't, He has every power except that!'' he said

''Oh!'' is all I could say, he pulled me into a kiss, full of passion.

''are you ready to leave?'' he asked. I nodded and took Anya in my hands. Let's get out of this place!

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