I Was Kidnapped By Vampires 11

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When I woke up, I stretched and jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I got out Anastasia was sitting there, rubbing her eyes.

''Good Morning princess'' I said, she just smiled, ''What do you want to do toady?''I asked

''I don't know'' she said.

''Let's get you dressed''I said. I grabbed her my the arm and led her to the walk in closet. We walked in and I made my way to the back of the closet to pick a dress, while Anya picked one out for herself. The one I picked was green, it stopped at my knees. The dress Anastasia picked was baby blue with yellow hearts on random parts of her dress. I helped her tie a big yellow bow on the back of her dress then led her to the bathroom and made her sit in front of the white vanity mirror. I told her to brush her hair until I return. I left her alone and called the maid, her name is Elizabeth she has dirty blond hair always tied in a bun. I told her to prepare two white horses, and one should be a pony with a pink saddle. she nodded, bowed and left the room. I returned to the bathroom and took the brush away from Anya and brushed her hair myself. When I was satisfied I braided her hair and at the end a purple bow to hold it all. Then I placed her tiara on her head, it looked like mine: gold but with a pink stone instead of red. When she was ready, I untied my messy ponytail, brushed it and put on my tiara as well. I slipped on some green high heals and put some pink flats on Anya, then Carried her to the garden. I walked threw the garden and realised it was a huge maze, like most rich people would have (like in Alice in Wonderland) When I got to the end, I saw Jesse and Adam. When they saw me, they both smiled, I put Anya down and held her hand.

''Ooh a pony!'' she exclaimed. I giggled, I knew she would love it. She ran to it and petted it, In total there where 4 horses: 2 white like I said, a brown and a black. I guess the boys where supposed to guard us or something. Adam helped Anya get on her horse, when she was sitting, he tightened the straps around her feet, so she wouldn't fall off and hurt herself. When she was settles and everything was okay, Adam explained to her how to ride a pony. Jesse wrapped his arms around me and spun me around, we where face to face. I blushed and looked away, he released me from his grip.

''Soooo . . .  should we begin?''he asked while pointing to the white horse. O nodded and approached to the horse and put one of my feet on the metal stirrup and grabbed the horn and pulled my body weight up while balancing on one foot.I sat down on the saddle, keeping both feet on one side of it. He adjusted on of the stirrup so ad leastI keep my feet on something and not just dangling there. After he finished explaining everything to me he got on the brown horse, and Adam on the black one. We rodearound the garden for a while, then left the castle's territories. We past the gates and headed for the mountains. Anastasia was having fun, she even named the pony princess.

''Adam, take Princess Anastasia to the meadow'' I looked at him confused, he just smiled at me, I turned to Adam he looked at Anya and took her pony's rope and lead it in the opposit direction of where we were heading. When I lost view of my 'daughter' and Adam. I turned back to Jesse.

''Come on'' he said ''I have a surprise for you''

I know I can trust him but I don't like the feeling of being separated from Anastasia. We continued up the mountain, when we reached the top we stopped, I think I had fallen asleep because I felt Jesse rubbing my shoulder. He already untied the stirrup.

''Jump, I will catchyou''he said

catch me? I thought this is when I realises how big the horse was, I was scared of heights, even in this situation, I closed my eyes and jumped off my saddle letting out a little shriek. I hit something hard, I slowly opened my eyes, Jesse caught me, one of his arms where under my knees and the other crossed my back.

He laughed ''You're scared of heights?''

''yeah'' i said blushing, I felt embarrassed because for him it was nothing but for me it felt like i was jumping off a building. I was relieved when my feet finally touched the ground again. I realised, he was holding a picknickbasket. He opened it and took out a red blanket and spread it out. He sat down on it and patted the spot beside him. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him confused, I slowly walked toward him and sat beside him crossed legged. He took out a salad bowl with a delicious looking salad inside, a bottle of water and a bottle of something red. When I realized what it was I turned the same color as the object . . . blood. He laughed and put it away. We ate the salad and I drank the water. When we where full we just lied there, watching the most beautiful sunset ever. Soon enough, I fell asleep in his arms.

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