I Was Kidnapped By Vampires 14

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The maid pulled out a black dress, it was long, on one side it was open revelingmy leg. The maid took out two black high heals and and gave them to me, I put them on and zipped up my dress. The top part was a corset, so it had no straps, on the black couture there were little purple designs on it. The bottom part was flowy and like I said the sides were open. The maid helped me to the bathroom an startedon my make-up. She put some red lipstick, eye liner, black eye shadow and mascara. She tied my hair in a bun and let some strips of hair dangle in the front which she curledusing a hair straightener later. For the finishingtouches she put a silver crown around my bun and inserted a black veil. She also inserted some black flowers in different spots of my hair and I also had long dandling ear rings and a necklace. I looked like the bride of the dead.

She said I was ready and helped me down the stairs. She led me to the front door and discovered a carriage waiting for me, but it wasn't a horse pulling it I would say it looks more it's bones. I freaked ou now!. I got closer to the black colored carriage and got in, there was a red silky couch inside. The maid shut the door.

''WAIT!'' I yelled ''what about the prince?''

''He won't know, he is gone hunting'' the maid responded and the carriage started to move.

Soon enough we were heading into the dark woods that surrounded the castle, I looked out, seeing nothing but darkness, I was so scared.

After about an hour of bumps and darkness, we stopped. I poked my head out of the carriage to see, a little red gazebo, covered in lights and under it my true love, Jesse in his tux  and a fat guy I didn't recognise, I guess it was the priest.. Someone opened the door and helped me out. Jesse had a big smile on his face. The person who opened the door was non other than Adam. He handed me a flower bouquet and I slowly walked to the gazebo, I went up it's wooden stairs and soon enough I was face to face with mu true love, Jesse.

The fat priest guy started the ceremony, and soon enough he came to the end.

''Tee Highness of land of vampires would she take the handsome Jesse to be her loyal husband, who will stay bye him in though times until the dead separates you two.?''

I looked up at Jess and said:

''I do''

the priest repeated the same thing to Jesse but by exchanging our names. He also said: I do

''Then let the exchange of blood begin'' said the priest as he handed Jesse a little dagger. He grabbed my veil and gently lifted it and threw it behind my head. Then he approached the daggerto his wrist and puled it across. A drop of blood flowed out of his little wound. Then he grabbed my wrist , I closed my eyes, I felt the pain go across my wrist and I let out a little whimper. I opened my eyes and he approached his wrist to my mouth as I did the same to him. He started to suck on my wrist as I did to him. His bloodwas very sweet. Then he licked the wound and it sealed by itself, I starred in amazement. Then he licked his own covering it  too.

''You may no kiss the bride'' the priest said

Jesse got closer to my lips and soon enough there was a spark between us. Suddenly, he picked me up bridal style and ran, he was going so fast every thing around us was blurry. I blinked and I was in my room.

''Wow, that was fast'' I thought to myself. I checked myself out in the mirror. Then suddenly No Name walked in, I looked down at myself, shit! I was still in my gown. I looked at him and gulped.

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