I Was Kidnapped By Vampires 20

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*Beep*Beep*Beep* ...

Mary POV

White light is all I could see and a voice: ''Wake Up''

''God? Is that you?'' I asked
''Mary! you are alive!''

''Mom?'' I tried opening my eyes, the light was too strong, forcing me to keep them shut. I tried again and my eyes fluttered open. My mom, was sitting beside me, I was in a bed, A HOSPITAL BED!

''Wh-What happened?'' I managed to ask

''You were in a coma for about two months!'' she said

"Two months!?" I shrieked. So ... None of this was real, no vampires, no marriage to a prince, no Christopher, no Anastasia ... no Jesse. The doctor came in.

"Oh you're awake" he said

"When can she go back home"

"She can leave toady'' he said as he left the room.

''Ready to leave?'' my mom asked. I nodded I can't wait to see my house, my dad, my brother, MY ROOM! My mom had brought me some clothes, so I changed into them and hopped into the car. We drove silently, admiring the streets of Montreal. Finally we pulled into our drive way.

''Hey Hun, want to have a party tonight?'' my mom asked

''Really!? but you never let me have parties!''

''Yeah . . . but this is special''

''Can it be a costume party?''

''Yes, sure why not?''

''Well I will have to go shopping''

''No problem'', we pulled out and drove to Wal Mart, I only needed some make up, so I wentto the beauty section. I looked at the nail polish, I picked out a black one then I looked at lipstick, I found a black one, I took it in my hand and smiled. I took that too, some mascara and eye liner too and then went to pay for all this. The total ended up being 40$! Then I called some friends and told them about the party they were all coming! The party was going to start soon so I went to my room and started getting dressed.

I opened my closet and pulled out a dark blue gown, with silver sparkles. I untied my hair and straitened it, then I put on my golden tiara which had a blue stone on it. Then I put some make-up, not too much, just a little bit of blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and lip gloss. OK ... maybe a little more than I expected. I slipped on my silver high heals. I was ready, I felt like a princess (I guess it's because I'm dressed like one)

 Why does this feel like a Déjà Vu? The party started a while ago, and I didn't want to be late so I ran down the stairs but I tripped. I waited for my face to hit the hard floor but it never did. I opened my eyed revealing a boy who caught me in his arms. He was wearing red running shoes, jeans and a red top. He had emerald green eyes and long brown hair, it was long enough to cover one of his eyes.  I was paralyzed, I kept staring at him, he was very hot.

''Be carefull'' he said ''You wouldn't like to hurt a pretty thing like yourself, he smiled. For some reason he looked familiar and my eyes were wide open.

''Is your name Jesse, for some reason?

''Yeah, why?''

My lips turned into a smile and I said:

''Do you want to kidnap me?''


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