Chapter Five Failing

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Chapter Five Failing




I groaned at the beeping and turned over on the couch, feeling for the alarm. When I thought I found it I slammed my hand down on it . Only turns out this was not my alarm clock... Ops.

"Ow!" Maddie screamed. Okay so definitely not my alarm clock. "Emma"! Maddie yelled at me now turning over in her sleeping bag on the ground. How on earth did she manage to get down there? Well she always was a restless sleeper. " I am so sorry!" I tried to manage between giggles. " Oh, yeah"? Oh no. Just like that we were at war. She took her pillow from underneath her and whacked me with it.

"Hey"! I screamed. I got up as fast as I could from the couch and darted out of her reach taking my pillow with me. She chased me around the basement while I tried not to get hit. Finally she cornered me in the corner of the hallway. I shrunk down the wall, covering my face with my pillow, preparing myself for the hit. "Girls"! we heard someone call from upstairs. "Time for breakfast"!

Wow talk about saved by the bell. Suddenly she dropped her pillow and darted up the stairs.

When we arrived upstairs the sweet aroma of pancakes filled the air. "Mmm". We both said.

We went to go sit down at our seats while Mrs. Hamilton brought the food to the dining room. She carried a platful of chocolate chip and peanut butter pancakes along with bacon and eggs and a bowl of varied fruits. Our favorites. And boy oh boy can she cook.

"Wow thank you"! I said serving myself. "Your welcome Emma", Mrs. Hamilton said smiling. "I helped too" said Lizzie coming around the corner. " And Lizzie helped too", Mrs. Halmontin said laughing. They sat down with us and soon Mr. Hamilton joined us too from his shoveling outside.

After breakfast was over, Maddie and I went back downstairs. I packed up my stuff thinking I should leave soon but Maddie put in another Harry Potter movie and how could I not stay for that?

When I finally got home around 2:00 ( Oops, wasn't planning on staying that long ) I threw my bag on my bed and headed upstairs to get something to eat. I saw my dad sleeping the day away on the couch while the TV played in the background. I made myself a sandwich and headed back downstairs with a glass of water.

I woke up with a jerk on Monday morning. I dont know why but I woke up before my alarm clock this time. Maybe because I had such a restless night last night or maybe my body was saying 'this is your chance to actually have time to eat breakfast and get ready leisurely'. Well I guess my body was right because I got up and got ready, had breakfast and for the first time in.. Well as long as I can remember. And, I wasn't rushed. I was even early waiting for Maddie to walk to the bus.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

When we got to school, I didn't even bother to put my books in my locker to save time and, headed off to Math. And just to top off this weird early thing I was having I was even early for Math! You should have seen Miss. Hoffmans's face when she saw I was there before the bell rang. Priceless. Maybe I should try this hole getting to class early thing more often. But my party on cloud nine was quickly crushed when Miss. Hoffman asked to see me after class. What could I have done wrong? Was she upset that I beat her at the early game? Well its only fair I get to win sometimes, right? Yeah thats fair. But all that didn't matter because she still wanted to see me after class and I wasn't looking forward to it.

"You are well aware of your grades, correct Miss. Peterson?" Miss Hoffman asked me after class.

Well if she meant how I was getting all As in History, then yes of course I knew that. But somehow I dont think thats what she meant. So not knowing what to say I responded with a question as well.


"So you know that you are failing Math."

WHAT?! How could I be failing Math?! I mean I know its not my favorite class but still, that shouldn't mean I should be failing! Maybe this was just her way of getting back at me for all the times I showed up late for class or not paying attention and this was her way of teaching me a lesson. Even though I don't like Math it doesn't mean that I want to fail. I mean I want to be good at school and I most certainly do not want to be failing ANY classes.

"What? How could I be failing?" I managed to squeak. "Your grades have been going downhill for a while now but its time we do something about it. I talked to the principal about it and he got you a tutor.

"A what"? My eyes went big at the word 'tutor'. I do NOT want a tutor. There is so much things wrong with that I dont even know where to begin. First off who wants a tutor? It shows you are failing and to me that makes it seem like i'm not smart. Second Maddie is a Math genius and that will just make me feel stupid next to her. I know Maddie would never judge me about it though. And third its MORE school! Who wants MORE school on top of all their other schoolwork?! More hours spent late here and less spent doing anything else. Its just an all around terrible idea.

"A tutor. You have left us no choice but to assign you one. Your grades aren't getting any better so this is the only solution. Unless you want to spend your summer here." She smiles at the end. Ugh, why is she so unfair? And yeah, no. Thats never gonna happen. No way am I spending any of my precious time in this jail cell.

"B but...." I strain to come up with a response. " No buts, you will start with your new tutor tomorrow. I'll see you then. She smiles again. Why does everytime she smiles it seems like an evil one? "Have a good day now." She says as I walk away.

"Ok." is all I manage. But before I leave she says " Oh look, heres you tutor now."

/////Hey guys!!! Im so sorry its taken me this long to update. I didnt mean for it to take this long. But I hope the kinda long chapter makes up for it!!!! So who do you think the tutor is going to be? Do you think that Miss. Hoffman is really doing this to get back at Emma? Tell me in the comments! Im sorry for any mistakes in this chapter and if theres any grammar problems. The more you like and the more reads this book gets the faster I will update! So you know what to do, like, comment and subscribe!! Thanks Peeps ttyl.

PS. Im not sure if you guys knew this but I have another book called Life with the Wordhouses and Im not sure if I should keep it going or not. I might just keep writing it but not post the book until later. But go check it out and tell me what you think! Thanks, bye!

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