Chapter One

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The New Kid

Chapter One

Love is a mysterious thing. One minute its your best friend and you can't live without it. Then one day you wake up and it's your worst enemy . You find yourself not ever wanting it ever again . But then you wake up the next and you find that you wish it would never leave, that its the best thing that ever happened to you. How can love be so wonderful and yet bring so much pain? But what you have to decide Is it worth the all pain? And that is what I did.

I sighed as I dragged myself out of bed at the sound of my alarm clock for the third time.

Beep beep beep.

I slammed my hand down on my dumb clock not wanting to be up yet. I stumbled over to my dresser. I glanced over at my clock 7:43

Oh no! I slept in again! Dad is gonna kill me if I'm late... Again. I thought.

I quckly slipped on a pair off jeans and a sweatshirt.I grabbed my old coat and messenger bag and snuck out my bedroom window like I've done millions of times before. I live in the basement so it was easy to sneak out.

I clutched my coat tight at the cold mid- January wind. I looked up at the bus pulling around the corner of Maplecrest st.

No I missed it! "Crap". I said looking at my breath in the air. "Better start walking".

"Hey Emma, wait up"! I turned around at the sound of my name. I smiled when I realized who it was. It was my friend Maddie running to try to catch up. Maddie was my only friend who put up with all of me. And I loved her for it. We had known each other since before we could remember and did everything together. I stopped and waited for Maddie to catch up. Maddie only lived one block away from my house so we could go see each other when ever we wanted.

"Why aren't you on the bus"? I asked.

"Well you weren't on and I thought..... "You missed it too" I said cutting her off.

"Yup, pretty much" We both laughed and continued to walk to school while talking. School was only a few blocks away so we could make it there in about ten minutes. When we finally got there I stared at the school.

Grandville Middle School. It was a pretty decent sized school. Enough to fit around five hundred kids in it.

When we got inside Maddie headed off to Science and I was by myself once more. I then went to Math class and took a seat just as the bell rang.

"Glad to see you could make it Miss .Peterson", said my Math teacher Miss. Hoffman.

I forced an annoyed smile on my face then sat quite. "We were just about welcoming our new student Mr. Logan Miller. I turned around, glanced him over and turned to face forward again.

Logan had brown hair, stormy blue-green eyes, and was about five seven. Everyone was acting as if we some famous person or something. But to me he was just another 8th grader getting swept along with life.

I was in a daze the rest of the day, doing my normal routine getting cut off in the lunch line and shoved around by ruthless halfway passer by's. When the day was finally over I was so happy that I could just go home and not have to worry about anything but of course I never get what I want.

I was all ready to go when I heard the news about Maddie being taken home migraine pain. Me (not really wanting to walk home in the freezing cold) just decided to take to bus home. We usually walk home together so we can talk and sometimes stop at a local bakery and get donuts.

I got on the bus and headed towards the back and sat down. I leaned my head on the seat and started to drift off to sleep when I heard grunt. I looked up, oh it was Logan. Sarcastic jazz hands.

"What'? I probably shouldn't have been so impolite but at this point I really didn't care.


"Excuse me"?

"Move over".

"Oh". I moved reluctantly over toward the window. I just sat there quietly. It was well... Well you know what I mean. Weird. Lets just say I was very happy to get off the bus at my stop. I snuck back in my bedroom and did my homework like a good girl. There you have it my sad not so entertaining pretty pathetic life. Or so I thought but turns out that life is full of surprises.

/Hey you guys! Hope you like the new book. Its differnt then my other book Life with the Wordhouses but I like that it is. The other book needs some more reads so go check it out! I will update both so dont worry. Ttyl Bye!/

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