Chapter 3 The Hamiltons

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Chapter Three

The Hamiltons

“So what movie do you want to watch”? Maddie asked me excitedly. I had set up my stuff downstairs in Maddie’s house and was just starting to lay out my sleeping bag.


“Ummm”... I didn't have to think what Maddie wanted to watch. I already knew. Mulan. As long as we have been friends Mulan has been her favorite movie. Every time I came over we would always watch Mulan. I had gotten to the part where I would even sing along with her to the songs. I dont know why she liked it so much but every time she would some how convince me to watch it. I looked over at Maddie practically begging for me to say 'yes'.


“Ugh. Fine. I give in!” I said defeated.

“Yes”!, Maddie said fistbumping the air. I laughed at Maddies childness as she put in the movie.

I sat down on the couch, Maddie joining me shortly afterwards. Maddie mouthed every word and laughed at every joke as if she hasn't heard them a billion times already. About mid-way through the movie we ran out of popcorn. So since Maddie didn't want to miss any of the movie I was sent to get more just about the time she started to sing 'I'll make a man out of you.'


When I got upstairs in the kitchen I looked at the clock above the oven, it was 5:32.

Woah I thought it would be way later. I put another bag of popcorn in the microwave and waited for it to be done. But right as it was about to be done Maddies mom walked in from the garage door, with her hands full of groceries and a child at her side. Maddies mom had brown medium length hair with blue eyes. The little girl had light dirty blond hair and blue eyes as well. Maddie looked very similar to her mom with hazel brown long hair (which she loved to curl) and blue eyes also. Maddie had dirty blond hair when she was was young so I wouldn't be surprised if the little girl grew up to have brown hair as well as her mom and sister.


“Hi Emma, would you be a dear and take these”, said Maddies mom smiling. I knew Maddies mom really well so it wasn't awkward talking to her. Infact I was here so often they treated me like I was there child. And they always bought extra groceries for me and made the food I like at dinner.

 Man, they are so good to me.

I took the bag and set it on the countertop. I bent down to say 'hi' to the little girl I knew very well as Lizzie. “Hi Lizzie”, I said smiling. “Hi Emma”! Lizzie ran to me and I picked her up. Lizzie was kinda like the sister I never had. She was five years old and kept counting down the days till her sixth birthday. “How many days is it”? I asked her. She has been telling me the dates till her birthday ever since a month ago. “Eleven days”! she answered excitedly. She used her hands to show me. I laughed and she did too.

“Well I’m just gonna put this stuff away, you two run along now”, Maddies mom said.


Beep beep beep.


Just then the popcorn finished popping. “Oooh, are you guys watching a movie”?

“Yup”, I answered. “Let me guess, Mulan,” she asked already knowing the answer. “Yup”. She laughed and said “Thats my Maddie”. Then with that I grabbed the popcorn and laughed following a bouncy Lizzie.

Apparently Maddie had rubbed her Mulan movie loving off to her sister and she was just as excited to watch it as Maddie. “Hey Lizzie”! greeted Maddie. “Hi”! Lizzie ran and jumped up on the couch to join her sister. They we instantly quite, so captivated by the picture dancing across the screen. I laughed and was instantly shushed, shaking my head at their silliness, I sat down next to Lizzie.

////Hey peeps! I hope you like the chapter. Just a disclaimer I do not own the music or the pic. I just thought the music would go great with this chapter. Like I said I will update more often the more veiws and comments ect this book gets. Until next time be cool and eat cookies. Ttyl.//// <3

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