Chapter 2 A Typical day...?

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Chapter 2


A Typical Day…?

I jerked up at the sound of my alarm clock. I went to slam my hand down on it when I realized it wasn't there. I stuck my head up and realized I was still at my desk and had fallen asleep doing my homework.

I got ready and headed out through my window. I was very surprised when I wasn't late for the bus. I got on and headed towards the back to meet Maddie.We talked as we rode the hectic bus along with about nearly fifty other kids.

When we got there I went straight to Math not wanting to be late, saying goodbye to Maddie in the process. I sat down and got out my books waiting for cass to start. When Miss. Hoffman walked in she seemed surprised to see me there. Figures.

What she taught that day I have no idea. I kind of blocked her out… Entirely.


As you can probably tell I hate math. It's too much work. I know, I know that sounds lazy of me but its true! Its not that I am lazy, I mean I think that everyone has a lazy side. I just don’t understand it enough to enjoy doing it.


So when the bell finally rang I was ecstatic. I jumped up packing up my stuff in the process and ran out of the room. Turns out there's an actual good reason they say not to run in the halls. Because next thing I know I was running straight into something. Or someone. Next thing I knew I was laying on my bottom on the ground with my books spread out across the floor.

So maybe I should consider not leaving my bag open next time. Yeah think? My brain teased.


“Hey”! I said surprised and a bit annoyed. I looked up to see a not a bit phased Logan staring back down at me.

Wow…. Really? How do I keep getting so lucky… I thought to myself sarcastically.

He looked down at me and just stared. As if he didnt even noticed he had knocked someone on the ground.

“There's a reason they say not to run”. He said in a smart-alec tone.

Wow. Geez. I figured out that much already.

I held my hand out for him to help me get up. But all he did was walk past me over to Miss. Hoffman’s desk.

Moody much? I picked up all my books on my own and headed towards my locker to drop them off there. Maddie’s locker was to the right of mine and she was putting away her books too.

“Hey! Woah…..” she said noticing my not too happy face. “Whats wrong”? she asked me in her pleasant tone. “Nothing I just had a bit of a…...My mind thought for an answer. “A falling out...” I said trying to tell her with my face that I didn't want to talk about it. “Ohh okay”... She said catching the look on my face. Thank you that I had such a good friend that she can read my facial expressions!

Maddie got out her History books and so did I since we had the same class. At least we had History together. We headed towards the opposite side of the school and made it there right before the bell rang. Funny how I’m always late. Maybe I should get a watch….. I thought to myself as we entered and sat down at our desks right next to each other.






The bell rang signaling that school was over and I was very happy it was. I walked out of the school to see Maddie all packed and ready to go.


“You ready”? Maddie asked. I nodded and we started to walk towards the sidewalk. Both me and Maddie used all of our lunch money so going to get donuts was out of the question.

“Hey I have an idea”, Said an excited Maddie. I stopped and turned to her with a smile on my face

“You read my mind”. I said grinning. “Go get your stuff and meet me at my house”, Said a happy Maddie. I nodded and ran to my house only half a block away.


I ran back in my house and quickly packed my stuff in a large duffle bag. And then it hit me. I kinda need my dad's permission. Ohhhh yeah…. I thought to myself nervously. I tiptoed up the rickety floorboards of the stairs and made my way through our old fashioned house. It was a two-story not including the basement. I walked through the hall that connected to my bedroom stairs and went into the living room connected to the hall. I saw my dad watching a TV show and walked up to him. We all used to watch TV together but not after mom left us.


“Hey dad”? I asked as sweetly as I could.


“How many times have I told you dont disturb me while I’m watching TV”. He said never taking his eyes off the TV. “Sorry.. I said quietly. But I was just wondering if maybe I could maybe go over to Maddie’s house?”, I said unsure of myself and if this was a good idea.


“Its a school night”, He said coldly still never taking his eyes off the TV.


“No, its Friday,” I said back to him. He took his eyes off the TV. Ops .Okay maybe I shouldn't have done that.


“Dont talk back to me”, He said sternly. “Sorry”. Was all I managed to pipe out. Yeah, this isn't going to work out…


But to my surprise he said “Fine”. Woah. Didnt see that coming. Maybe he just wanted me to leave him alone so he could watch TV in peace. Yeah thats probably it. What ever the reason was I didn't care. I said “Thanks Daddy”! and ran back downstairs. I grabbed my bag, and with that I was out the window.

///Hey! Its been a long time since I last updated but I have been writing them!! I will post more often the more you guys like, comment and the more views the book gets!!  So keep liking! Ttyl.<3


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